Construction industry acronyms - B
This article presents a list of construction industry acronyms beginning with 'B'.
For other letters click on the list below:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
[edit] B
B/ - Bottom (of)
B2G - Business to Government
B4L12 - Building for Life 12
BaBCWT - Birmingham and Black Country Wildlife Trust
BAC - Budget At Completion
BACNET - Building Automation and Control NETwork
BACS - Building Automation and Control System
BADR - Business Asset Disposal Relief
BAF - Biological Aerated Filters
BAFO - Best And Final Offer
BAILII - British and Irish Legal Information Institute
BAMB - Building As Material Banks
BAME - Black, Asian And Minority Ethnic People
BAP - Biodiversity Action Plan
BAS - Biodiversity Alert Site
BAS - Building Automation System
BASIR - Built Asset Security Information Requirements
BASMP - Built Asset Security Management Plan
BASS - Built Asset Security Strategy
BAT - Best Available Technique
BAT - Best Available Technique.
BATNEEC - Best Available Techniques Not Entailing Excessive Cost
BAU - Business As Usual
BB - Building Bulletin
BBA - British Board of Agrément
BBP - Better Buildings Partnership
BBSBD - British Bryological Society Bryophyte Database
BC - Base Coat (paint)
BC - Before Christ
BC - Black Carbon
BC - Building Control (by Statute Law & Regulation) - See BCB
BCA - British Cement Association.
BCA - Building Control Authority
BCAM - Bridges Condition Asset Management
BCB - Building Control Body. (an Approved inspector or the Local Authority Building Control)
BCC - British Ceramic Confederation
BCCL - The Bridgewater Canal Co Ltd
BCECA - British Chemical Engineering Contractors Association
BCF - BIM Collaboration Format
BCIS - Building Cost Information Service
BCM - Business critical model
BCMC - British Cable Makers Confederation
BCMI - Bridge Condition Marking Index
BCO - British Council For Offices
BCO - British Council of Offices
BCO - Building Control Officer
BCR - Benefit
BCR - benefit-cost ratio
BCW - Boosted Cold Water
BCWP - Budgeted Cost of Work Performed
BCWS - Boosted Cold Water Services
BCWS - Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled
BDY - Boundary
BECCS - Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage
BECD - Built Environment Carbon Database
BECI - Built Environment Construction Industry
BEEF - British Energy Efficiency Federation
BEEP - BOMA Energy Efficiency Program
BEIS - (Department For) Business, Energy And Industrial Strategy
BEM - Building Energy Management.
BEMS - Building Energy Management Systems
BEP - BIM Execution Plan
BER - Building Emission Rate
BESS - British Energy Security Strategy
BEV - Battery Electric Vehicle
BFI - Base Flow Index
BFIHOST - Base Flow Index Derived Using The Host Soil Classification
BFM - Business Focused Maintenance
BFRC - British Fenestration Rating Council
BG - British Gypsum
BGL - Below Ground Level
BGS - British Geological Survey
BH - Bore Hole.
BHIS - Built Heritage Investment Scheme
BHL - Building for a Healthy Life
BHSS - British Health and Safety Society
BHW - Boosted Hot Water
BHWS - Boosted Hot Water Services
BIAT - British Institute of Architectural Technologists
BIBA - British Insurance Brokers’ Association
BICoF - Code of Conduct Building inspector competence framework
BiCRS: Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage
BID - Background Information And Data
BID - Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal
BIEG - BIM Interoperability Expert Group
BIFM - British Institute of Facilities Management now The Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM)
BIG - Back Inlet Gully
BILD - Building Insurance Latent Defects
BIM - Building Information Modelling
BIM LOD - Building Information Modelling Levels of Development
BINDT - British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing
BIPV - Building Integrated Photovoltaic
BIPV - Building Integrated Photovoltaic Ventilation
BIS - Department for Business Innovation and Skills
BJC - Business Justification Case
BLK - Blockwork
BLM - Building Lifecycle Management
BLO - Building liability order
BLRF - Brownfield Land Release Fund.
BLS - British Lichen Society
BLT - Build lease transfer
BM - Balancing Mechanism
BM - Bending Moment.
BMGV - Biological Monitoring Guidance Values (See COSHH)
BMP - Best Management Practice
BMS - Battery management system
BMS - Benefits Management Strategy
BMS - Bridge Management System
BMS - Building Management Services/ System
BMTA - British Measurement and Testing Association
BMU - Balance Mechanism Unit
BMU - Building Maintenance Units
BMV - Best And Most Versatile (Agricultural Land)
BMWP - Biological Monitoring Working Party
BNG - Biodiversity Net Gain
BNS - Biological Notification Site
BOAT - Byway Open To All Traffic
BoCC - Birds Of Conservation Concern
BOD - Basis of Design.
BOD - Biochemical Oxygen Demand
BOD - Bottom of Duct
BOD - Burden of Disease
BOH - Back of House
BOM - Bill of Materials
BOOT - Build Own Operate Transfer
BOP - Balance of plant
BOP - Bottom of Pipe
BOQ - Bill of Quantities
BOS - Building Operating System
BOT - Bottom
BOT - Build Operate Transfer
BOTDA - Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis
BOTDR - Brillouin Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
BPE - Building Performance Evaluation
BPEO - Best practicable environmental option
BPF - British Property Federation
BPG - Best Practice Guidance.
BPI - Building Performance Indicator
BPM - Best Practicable Means
BPN - Building Preservation Notice
BPR - Business process reengineering
BPRA - Business Premises Renovation Allowance
BPS - Blockage Potential Score
BPS - Building Performance Simulation
BPN - Building Preservation Notice
BQ - Bills of Quantities (sometimes BoQ or Bills)
BRAC - Building Regulations Advisory Committee
BRAE Regulations - Building Regulations etc (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2023.
BRE - Better Regulation Executive
BRE - Building Research Establishment
BREDEM - BRE Domestic Energy Model
BREEAM - Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method
BRIC - Brazil, Russia, India and China
BriM - Bridge Information Model
BRP - Benefits Realisation Plan
BRT - Bus Rapid Transit
BRUKL - Building Regulation UK Part L report
BRW - Brick Retaining Wall
BS - Base Speaker
BS - British Standard
BSC - Balancing and Settlement Code
BS EN - British Standard European Norm
BSF - Building Schools for the Future
BSI - British Standards Institute
BSIM - Building Services Information Model
BSL - Basic Safety Limit
BSM - Building Safety Manager
BSMT - Basement
BSP - British Standard Pipe
BSR - Building Safety Regulator
BSR - Business for Social Responsibility
BSRIA - Building Services Research and Information Association
BSTSA - British Surface Treatment Suppliers Association
BSUoS - Balancing Services Use of System
BT - Benefit Transfer
BT - British Telecommunications Plc
BTM - Building of Townscape Merit (planning)
BTO - British Trust For Ornithology
Btu - British thermal unit.
BUG - Building User's Guide
BLO - Building liability order
BUR - Built-Up Roofing
BUS - Building Use Study
BV - Best Value
BVOC - Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds
BVP - Best Value Procurement
BW - Block Wall / Brick Wall
BW - British Waterways
BWF - British Woodworking Federation
BWIC - Builder's Work in Connection (building services)
BWICS - Builder's Work In Connection with Services
BWL - Brickwork
BWML - British Waterways Marinas Limited
BxP - BIM Execution Plan
BYND - Beyond
BYOH - Build Your Own Home
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