Construction industry acronyms - N
This article presents a list of construction industry acronyms beginning with 'N'.
For other letters click on the list below:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
[edit] N
N/A - Not Applicable
NABERS - National Australian Built Environment Rating System
NABO - National Association Of Boat Owners
NaCSBA - National Custom & Self Build Association
NaCTSO - National Counter Terrorism Security Office
NADOR - Notification of Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
NAECI - National Agreement for the Engineering Construction Industry
NAEI - National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory
NAI - Nature Improvement Areas
NA(m)S - National Amenity Societies
NANDO - New Approach Notified and Designated Organisations
NAP - National Adaptation Programme
NAPI - Normalised Antecedent Precipitation Index
NAR - No Acronym Rule
NAS - Net Addition to Stock
NASC - National Access and Scaffolding Confederation
NASC - National Association of Scaffolding Contractors
NATLAS - National Testing Laboratory Accreditation Scheme
NATM - New Austrian Tunnelling Method
NAWDC - National Association of Waste Disposal Contractors
NBMP - National Bat Monitoring Programme
NBR - National Buildings Record
NBS - National Building Specification
NC - Noise Criteria
NC - Normally Closed.
NCA - National Character Area
NCC - Net Contribution Clause
NCF - National Contractors Federation
NCM - National Calculation Methodology (for EPDM)
NCN - National Cycle Network
NCO - Nature Conservation Order
NCPC - National Crime Prevention Council (US)
NCR - National Cycle Route
NCR - Non-Conformance Report / Non-Conformity Report
nCRISP - new Construction Research and Innovation Strategy Panel (now the National Platform for the Built Environment)
NCSC - National Cyber Security Centre
NDA - Net Development Area
NDA - Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
NDA - Non Disclosure Agreement
NDC - Nationally Determined Contribution
NDE - Non-Destructive Evaluation
NDE - Non-Destructive Examination
NDG - National Design Guide
NDHA - Non Designated Heritage Asset
NDI - Non-Destructive Inspection
NDO - Neighbourhood Development Order
NDP - Neighbourhood Development Plan
NDPB - Non Departmental Public Body
NDPB - Non-Departmental Public Body
NDS - National Delivery Services
NDT - National Digital Twin
NDT - Non-Destructive Testing
NDTG - National Demolition Training Group
NE - Natural England
NEC - National Exhibition Centre
NEC - New Engineering Contract
NEDB - National Exposure Data Base
NEED - National Energy Efficiency Data-Framework
NERRP - National Earthworks Risk Reduction Programme
NES - Not Elsewhere Specified
NESC - Network For Evaluating Steel Components
NESO - National Energy System Operator
NETS - National Electricity Transmission System
NETSO - National Electricity Transmission System Operator
NF - Near Face
NFA - Net Floor Area
NFB - National Federation of Builders
NFC - Natural Fibre Composites
NFC - Near-Field Communication
NFCI - National Federation of Clay Industries
NFCI - Non-freezing cold injury
NFDC - National Federation of Demolition Contractors
NFDC - National Federation of Demolition Contractors Standard Form
NFE - No Financial Effect
NFM - Natural Flood Management
NFPD - National Fish Population Database
NFRC - National Federation of Roofing Contractors
NFRP - Natural Fibre Reinforced Polymer
NFU - National Farmers Union
NGCLC - National Groundwater & Contaminated Land Centre
NGESO - National Grid Electricity System Operator
NGET - National Grid Energy Transmission
NGL - Natural Gas Liquids
NIA - Nuclear Industry Association
NGO - Non-Governmental Organisation
NGV - Natural Gas Vehicle
NHBC - National House Building Council
NHL - National Heritage List
NHL - Natural Hydraulic Lime.
NHLC - National Historic Landscape Characterisation
NHLE - National Heritage List For England
NHOS - New Homes Ombudsman Service
NHPP - National Heritage Protection Plan
NHQB - New Homes Quality Board.
NI - Nominated Inspector
NI/TR - Policy Noise Insulation And Temporary Re
NI/TR - Policy Noise insulation and temporary re-housing policy
NIA - National Insulation Association
NIA - Nature Improvement Area.
NIA - Net Internal Area
NIC - Network Innovation Competition
NIC - National Infrastructure Commission
NIHHS - Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances Regulations
NIHL - Noise Induced Hearing Loss
NJCC - National Joint Contracts Committee
NLA - National Landlords Association
NLHF - National Lottery Heritage Fund
NLL - North London Line
NMA - Non-Material Amendment
NMDC - National Model Design Code
NMR - National Monuments Record
NMR - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
NNP - Neural Network Process
NNR - National Nature Reserve
NNR - National Nature Reserves
NO - Normally Open
NO - Number
NOA - Notice of assignment
NOM - Nominal
NOMIS - Service Provided By The Office For National Statistics To Provide Uk Labour
NOS - National Occupational Standards
NP - National Park
NPA - Notification of Proposed Amendment
NPC - Net Present Cost
NPE - National Parks England
NPF4 - National Planning Framework 4
NPF - National Planning Framework (Scotland)
NPF3 - National Planning Framework For Scotland (Third Edition)
NPI - New Product Introduction
NPIP - National Process Improvement Project
NPK - nitrogen-phosphorous-potassium
NPO - National Portfolio Organisations
NPO - Non-Productive Overtime.
NPO - Non-Profit Organisations.
NPPF - National Planning Policy Framework
NPPG - National Planning Practice Guidance
NPPG - National Planning Practice Guidance website.
NPR - Northern Powerhouse Rail
NPS - national plant specification
NPS - national policy statement
NPSA - National Protective Security Authority
NPSE - Noise Policy Statement For England
NPSE - The Noise Policy Statement for England
NPSH - Net Positive Suction Head
NPSV - Net Present Social Value
NPwPP - Negotiated Procedure without Prior Publication
NR - Network Rail
NR - Noise Rating
NRA - National Rivers Authority
NRAC - National Register of Access Consultants
NRB - Nitrate-Reducing Bacteria / Nitrite-Reducing Bacteria
NRC - Noise Reduction Coefficient
NRFA - National River Flow Archive
NRFT - Not Right First Time
NRLA - National Residential Landlords Association
NRM - New Rules of Measurement - replacing SMM7
NRMM - Non-Road Mobile Machinery
NRSWA - New Roads and Street Works Act
NRV - Non Return Valve
NS - Net Savings.
NSA - National Scenic Area
NSB - Nominal Size Bypass
NSBA - National Self Build Association
NSCC - National Specialist Contractors Council Contract
NSCS - National Structural Concrete Specification
NSF - Net Square Footage
NSFC - National Natural Science Foundation of China
NSH - Night Storage Heater
NSIP - Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project
NSWIR - Near-to-short wavelength infrared reflectance
NT - National Trust
NTEM - National Trip End Model
NTI - New Training Initiative
NTM - National Transport Model
NTP - Normal Temperature and Pressure
NTS - National Transmission System
NTS - Non-Technical Summary
NTS - Not to Scale
NTSLF - National Tidal and Sea Level Facility
NUAR - National Underground Asset Register
NUI - Normally Unattended Installation
NVC - National Vegetation Classification
NVQ - National Vocational Qualification
NVZ - Nitrate Vulnerable Zone
NZCB - Net Zero Carbon Building
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