Construction industry acronyms - D
This article presents a list of construction industry acronyms beginning with 'D'.
For other letters click on the list below:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
[edit] D
- 8D - Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving
- D - Diameter
- D&O - Directors and Officers (insurance)
- D&T - Design and technology
- DA - Daylight Autonomy
- DA - Drainage Assessment
- DAS - Defined Area Survey
- DAS - Deliverable Approach Statement
- DaaS - Drones as a Service
- DAB - Dispute Adjudication Board
- DAC - Design Allocation Checklist
- DAC - Direct Air Capture
- DACC - Direct Air Carbon Capture
- DACCS - Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage
- DAI - Directly Affected Individual
- DALI - Digital Addressable Lighting Interface
- DALY - Disability
- DAM - Digital Asset Management
- DAMP - Drainage Asset Management Plan
- DAO - Dear Accounting Officer
- DAP - Dispute avoidance procedures or dispute avoidance protocols
- DAR - Dressed All Round (timber finish)
- DAS - Deliverable Approach Statement
- DAS - Design and access statement
- dB - Decibel
- DB - Design and Build
- DB - Door Bell
- DB - Dry bulb
- dB(A) - Decibels on the A weighted scale
- DBA - Design Basis Accident
- DBFM - Design Build Finance and Manage
- DBFMO - Design Build Finance Maintain Operate.
- DBFO - Design Build Finance Operate
- DBFOM - Design Build Finance Operate Maintain.
- DBFT - Design Build Finance Transfer
- DBL - Double
- DBM - dense bitumen macadam
- DBO - Design Build Operate
- DBOT - Design Build Operate Transfer
- DBP - Design Best Practice
- DBR - Design Brief Report
- DBT - Dry Bulb Temperature
- DC - Deep Flange
- DC - Development Control
- DC - Direct Chill
- DC - Direct Current
- DC - Drain Cock
- DC/DA - Data Collection & Aggregation
- DCA - Demographic Character Area
- DCC - Data Communication Company
- DCD - Duty of Care Deed
- DCF - Discounted Cash Flow
- DCIA - Digital Connectivity Infrastructure Accelerator
- DCLG - Department For Communities And Local Government
- DCLG - Department for Communities and Local Government (Now the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG))
- DCMI - Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
- DCMS - Department for Culture Media and Sport
- DCMS - Department Of Digital Culture Media And Sport
- DCO - Development Consent Order
- DCOA - Deregulation and Contracting Out Act 1994
- DCP - Defects Correction Period
- DCQ - Detailed Contractors Quotation
- DCV - Demand Controlled Ventilation
- DCV - Double Check Valve
- DD - Draft for Development
- DDA - Disability Discrimination Act ( now repealed and replaced by the Equality Act)
- DDC - Direct Digital Control
- DDE - depth-duration-frequency
- DDI - Direct Dialling In
- DDMS - Design Deliverables Monitoring Schedule
- DDMS - Drainage Data Management System
- DDS - Due Diligence System
- DE - District Energy
- DEA -Domestic Energy Assessor
- DEC - Display Energy Certificate
- DECC - Department Of Energy And Climate Change
- DEEP - Decentralised Energy Enabling Project
- DEEP - Design Excellence Evaluation Process
- DEFRA - Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
- DEHO - District Environmental Health Officer
- DEHS - Director of Environmental Health Services
- DEL - Departmental Expenditure Limit
- DEM - Digital Elevation Model
- DEM - Domestic Energy Model
- DEMO - Demolition
- DEP - Digital Execution Plan
- DER - Design (carbon dioxide) Emission Rate
- DER - Distributed Energy Resources
- DER - Dwelling Emission Rate (see emission rates)
- DESNZ - Department for Energy Security and Net-Zero
- DET - Detail (drawing)
- DF - Daylight Factor
- DfD - Design for Deconstruction
- DfD - Design for Disassembly
- DFE - Decorative Fuel Effect fire
- DFEE - Design Fabric Energy Efficiency
- DFG - Disabled Facilities Grants
- DfI Department for Infrastructure
- DFM - Dust, Fume and Mist
- DfMA - Design for Manufacture and Assembly
- DFMEA - Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
- DfP - Design for Performance.
- DFP - Douglas Fir Plywood
- DfT - Department For Transport
- DFTG - Digital Framework Task Group
- DFV - Desirability Feasibility and Viability
- DGGS - Discrete Global Grid System
- DGNB - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (German Sustainable Building Council)
- DGP - Daylight Glare Probability
- dGPS - differential code GPS
- DH - Duty Holder
- DHS - Design for Health & Safety
- DHSC - Department of Health and Social Care
- DHW - Domestic Hot Water
- DHWS - Domestic Hot Water Services
- DI - Digital Input.
- DIA - Diameter
- DIA - Diversity Impact Assessment
- DIA - Drainage Impact Assessment
- DIM - Dimension
- DIM - Document Issue Matrix
- DIO - Defence Infrastructure Organisation
- DIOHAS - Designers’ Initiative on Health and Safety
- DIP - Document Image Processing
- DIR - Design Input Requirements
- DIS - Draft International Standard
- DIT - Department for Business and Trade
- DIT - Do it together
- DIY - Do it yourself
- DJ - Denotes Joist
- DJSI - Dow Jones Sustainability Indices
- DKE - Dynamic Kinematic Envelope
- DL - Dead Load
- DL - Drawing List
- DLF - Distribution Loss Factor
- DLR - Digital Line Rating
- DLT - Distributed Ledger Technology
- DM - Demolition
- DM - Design Manager
- DMA - Delivery Model Assessment
- DMAIC - Define Measure Analyse Improve Control
- DMC - Domestic Material Consumption
- dMEV - Decentralised Mechanical Extract Ventilation
- DMP - Design Management Plan
- DMP - Drainage Management Plan
- DMO - Deposit Management Organisation
- DMPO - Development Management Procedure Order (2010)
- DMRB - Design Manual For Roads And Bridges
- DMS - Definitive Map and Statement
- DMS - Document Management System
- DMV - Deserted Medieval Village
- DNO - Distribution Network Operator.
- DNO - District Network Operator
- DO - Digital Output.
- DO - Dissolved Oxygen.
- DO - Door Opening
- DOCO - Designing Out Crime Officer
- DOI - Digital object identifier
- DoP - Declaration of Performance
- DoS - Degree of Saturation
- DoS - Denial-of-service
- DOV - Drain Off Valve
- DP - Damp Proofing
- DP - Depth
- DP - Development proposal
- DP - Dimmer Panel
- DP - Disabled person
- DP - Distribution Panel
- DP - Down Pipe
- DPA - Delegated Purchasing Authority
- DPC - Damp Proof Course
- DPC - Draft for Public Comment
- DPCV - Differential Pressure Control Valve
- DPD - Development Plan Document
- DPDT - Double Pole Double Throw Switch
- DPF - Diesel Particulate Filter
- DPLBAR - Index Describing Catchment Size And Drainage Path Configuration (Km)
- DPM - Damp Proof Membrane
- DPP - Design & Procurement Programme
- DPS - Differential Pressure Sensor
- DPS - Dynamic Purchasing Systems
- DPSBAR - Index Of Catchment Steepness (M/Km)
- DPST - Double Pole Single Throw Switch
- DPT - Dew Point Temperature
- DPT - Dye Penetrant Testing
- DQI - Design Quality Indicator
- DQRA - Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment
- DR - Demand- Response
- DR - Door
- DR - Dryer
- DRAM - Director of Route Asset Management
- DRB - Dispute Resolution Board
- DRC - Depreciated Replacement Cost
- DRG - Drawing
- DRM - Design Responsibility Matrix
- DRM - Design Risk Management
- DRN - Detailed River Network
- DRR - Dispute Resolution Review
- DRS - Document Release Schedule
- DRS - Deposit Return Scheme
- DRS - Debarment Review Service
- DRV - Double Regulating Valve
- DRY - Design Reference Year
- DS - Design Services
- DS - District Surveyor
- DSA - Delivery And Site Allocation
- DSA - Delivery Schedule Achievement
- DSAC - Design Safety Analysis and Control
- DSC - Design Safety Case
- DSDM - Dynamic System Development Method
- DSE - Display Screen Equipment (Form)
- DSER - Doorset Energy Rating
- DSI - Demand-Side Integration
- DSI - Designer's Site Instructions
- DSIT - Department for Science, Innovation and Technology
- DSL - Digital Subscriber Line.
- DSM - Digital Surface Model
- DSM - Dynamic Simulation Models (see National Calculation Method)
- DSMP - Drainage and sewerage management plan
- DSO - Distribution System Operator
- DSR - Demand Side Response
- DSSO - Double Switched Socket Outlet
- DST - Decision Support Tool
- DT - Design and technology
- DT - Digital Twin
- DTA - Differential Thermal Analysis
- DTL - Detail
- DTM - Design Team Meeting
- DTM - Digital Terrain Model
- DTM - Dynamic Thermal Modelling
- DTS - Deemed to Satisfy
- DTS - Dynamic Thermal Simulation
- DU - Discharge Unit
- DUKES - Digest of UK Energy Statistics
- DUoS - Distribution Use of System.
- DVP&R - Design Verification Plan and Report
- DVR - Digital Video Recorder
- DW - Dishwasher
- DW - Dry Weight
- DW - Ductwork
- DWF - Design Web Format
- DWG - Drawing (AutoCAD file format)
- DWI - Drinking Water Inspectorate.
- DWPP - Diffuse Water Pollution Plan
- DWQR - Drinking Water Quality Regulator for Scotland.
- DWS - drinking water standard
- DWV - Drain Waste Vent
- DX - Direct Exchange
- DX - Direct Expansion
- DX - Refrigerant piped between split units (often reverse-cycle)
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