Construction industry acronyms - M
This article presents a list of construction industry acronyms beginning with 'M'.
For other letters click on the list below:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
[edit] M
M&V - Measurement and Verification
M - And E Mechanical And Electrical
m - Metre
M&A - Mergers and Acquisitions.
M&E - Mechanical and Electrical
M&E - Mechanical and Engineering
M&PC - Marine & Protective Coatings
M&R - Maintenance and Renewal
M&T - Monitoring and Targeting
M&V - Measurement and Verification
M/L - Mid Level
m2/cap - Per Capita Floor Area
M2M - Machine to Machine.
M5-2d - 2 day rainfall of 5 year return period (mm)
M5-60 - 60 minute rainfall of 5 year return period (mm)
MAA - Moving Annual Average
MAC - Managing Agent and Contractor / Managing Agent Contractor
MAC - Manual handling assessment chart
MAC - Maximum Acceptable Concentration Or Maximum Allowable Concentration
MAC - Moves, Adds, Changes
MACE - Multipurpose Automatic Control Equipment
MAFF - Ministry Of Agriculture Fisheries And Food
MAFF - Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
mAOD - Metres Above Ordnance Datum
MAP - Maintenance Access Point
MAPP - Major Accident Prevention Policy
MAR - Management and Administration
market - Statistics
MAT - Most advantageous tender
MATTE - Major Accident To The Environment
MAV - Market-Adjusted Valuation
MAWP - Maximum Allowable Working Pressure
MB - Management Board
mbgl - Metres Below Ground Level
Mbo - Management By Objective(S)
Mboca - 4,4'Methylene-Bis-(2-Chloroaniline)
MC - Main Contractor
MC - Mass Concrete
MCA - Marine Consultation Area
MCA - Mineral Consultation Area
MCA - multi-criteria analysis
MCB - Manually Controlled Barrier
MCB - Miniature Circuit Breaker
MCC - Manual Classified Count
MCC - Manual Classified Count (Traffic And Transport)
MCCS - Microclimate Cooling System
MCD - Main Contractor's Discount
MCDM - Multi-Criteria Decision Making
MCPD - Medium Combustion Plant Directive
MCERTS - Monitoring Certificate Scheme
MCF - Management Consultancy Framework
MCG - Major Contractors Group
MCHW - Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Work
MCM - Metal Composite Material
MCM - Modern Construction Methods
MCM PE - Metal Composite Material with an unmodified polyethylene core
MCP - Manual Call Point
MCS - Microclimate Cooling System
MCS - Microgeneration Certification Scheme
MCS - Mining Certification Service
MCW - Mains Cold Water
MCZ - Marine Conservation Zones
MD - micro deval
MDES - Medium Duration Energy Storage
MDF - Medium Density Fibreboard
MDG - Millennium Development Goals
MDHS - Methods For The Determination of Hazardous Substances
MDI - Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate
MDI - Methyl Diphenylene Diisocyanate
MDM - Master Data Management
MDO - Medium Density Overlaid Plywood
MDPE - Medium Density Polyethylene
MDR - minimum design requirement
MDTSA - Methods For The Detection of Toxic Substances In Air
MDU - Maintenance Delivery Unit
ME - Material Efficiency
MEAT - Most Economically Advantageous Tender
MECH - Mechanical
Med-Ad - Mediation-adjudication
MEES - Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards
MEIA - Middle East, India and Africa
MEK - Methyl Ethyl Ketone
MEL - Maximum Exposure Limit
MEMBR - Membrane
MENA - Middle East and North Africa
MEP - Mechanical And Electrical Plant
MEP - Mechanical Electrical and Plumbing
MEP - MEP Mechanical, Electrical and Public health
MEPH - Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing & Heating
MEPS - Minimum Energy Performance Standards
MERV - Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value
MEUC - Major Energy Users Council
MEV - (Continuous) Mechanical Extract Ventilation
Mev - Million Electron Volts Or Mega Electron Volts
MEWP - Mobile Elevated Work Platform / Mobile Elevating Work Platform
MF - Melamine-formaldehyde (laminated plastics & adhesives)
MFA - Material Flow Accounting / Material Flow Analysis
MFC - Melamine Faced Chipboard
MFP - Multi-Functional Plate
MFR - Mandatory Frequency Response
MG - Make Good
MH - Major Hazards
MH - Manhole
MHAU - Major Hazards Assessment Unit
MHCLG - Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.
MHFA - Mental Health First Aid.
MHHS - Market-wide half-hourly settlement
MHSW - Management of Health and Safety at Work
MHSWR - Management of Health and Safety At Work Regulations
MI - Mandatory Investigation
MI - Myocardial Infarction
MIC - Methyl Isocyanate
MIC - Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion
MIC - Minimum Ignition Current
MICE - Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers
MICP - microbially induced calcite precipitation
MIDAS - Machine Information Display and Automation System
MIDAS - Motorway Incident Detection and Automatic Signalling
MIDP - Master Information Delivery Plan
MIM - Mission Innovation Ministerial
MIO - Micaceous Iron Oxide
MIP - Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry
MIP - Mobility Impaired Person
MIPIM - Le marché international des professionnels de l'immobilier (real estate event)
MIPPS - Ministerial Interim Planning Policy Statement
MIPS - Median Index of Public Sector Tender Prices
MIS - Management Information Systems
MIS - Manufacturers, Importers and Suppliers
MIStructE - Member of the Institution of Structural Engineers
MIU - More Intensive Use
MJ - Movement Joint
ML - Megalitre
MLP - Minerals Local Plan
MM - Managed motorways
mm - Millimetre
MM-ALR - Managed motorways - all lanes running
MMC - Modern Methods of Construction
MMG - Mercia Mudstone Group
MML - Midland Main Line
MMMF - Man-Made Mineral Fibre
MMO - Marine Management Organisation
MMP - Materials Management Plan
MN - Mega Newtons
MNA - Monitored Natural Attenuation
MO - Masonry Opening
MO - Modus Operandi
MOCA - 4,4' Methylene-Bis-(2-Chloroaniline)
MoD - Ministry Of Defence
MoE - Means of Escape
MOL - Metropolitan Open Land
MOP - Method of Procedure
MoT - Ministry of Transport
MOTO - Memorandum of Terms of Occupancy
MoU - Memorandum of Understanding
MOV - Manual Opening Vent
MP - Major Project
MP - Member of Parliament
MPA - Major Projects Authority
MPA - Marine Protected Areas
MPa - Megapascals
MPA - Mineral Planning Authority
MPAN - Meter Point Administration Number, for the electricity supply
MPC - Maximum Permissible Concentrations
MPDT - Model Production and Delivery Table
MPE - Maximum Permissible Exposure
MPI - Magnetic Particle Inspection
MPM - Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011.
MPO - Management and Personnel office
MPP - Monument Protection Programme
MPPS - macro pervious pavement surface / system
MPR - Material Requirements Planning
MPRN - Meter Point Reference Number, for the gas supply
MPS - Master Production Schedule
MPT - Magnetic Particle Testing
MTCs - Mandatory Technical Competences
MR - Mandatory Reporting
MRA - Mutual Recognition Agreement
MRF - Material Recycling Facility
MRF - Marine Recovery Fund
MRHI - Mineworkings Residual Hazard Index
MRL - Manufacturing Readiness Level
MRL - Maximum Residue Limit
MRO - Maintenance, Repair, Operations
MRPQ Directive - EU Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications 2005
MRS - Medium Rise Scheme (remamed Cladding Safety Scheme - CSS)
MRT - Mass Rapid Transit
MRT - Mean Radiant Temperature
MS - Member State (of European Union)
MS - Mild Steel
MSA - Measurement Systems Analysis
MSA - Mineral Safeguarding Area
MSC - Model Services Contract
MSCB - Multi-Service Chilled Beams
MSCP - Multi-Storey Car Park
MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet
MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet(S)
MSI - Master Systems Integrator
MSIV - Main Steam Isolating Valve
MSLB - Main Steam Line Break
MSu - Material substitution
MSV - Modelling Simulation and Visualisation
MSW - Municipal Solid Waste.
MT - Management Trainee
MT - Material Throughputs
MTA - Made To Assemble
MTBE - methyl tert-butyl ether
MTC - Manufacturing Technology Centre
MTCs - Mandatory Technical Competences
MTC - Measured Term Contract
MTHW - Medium Temperature Hot Water
MTL - Metal
MTO - Made To Order
MTS - Made To Stock
MUC - Maintenance Unitised Cost
MVHR - Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery
MVP - Minimum Viable Product
MW - Microwave
MW - Minor Works
MWF - Metalworking Fluid(S)
MWHC - maximum water holding capacity
MWIA - Mental Wellbeing Impact Assessment
MWL - Miniature Warning Light
MWP - Maximum Working Pressure
MWS - Main Water Supply
MZ - Middle Zone
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