Construction industry acronyms - L
This article presents a list of construction industry acronyms beginning with 'L'.
For other letters click on the list below:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
[edit] L
L&D - Learning and Development
L/L - Low Level
L6s - Lean Six Sigma
LA - Local Authority
LAA - Local Authority Associations
LAAPS - Local Authority Accident Prevention and Safety Services
LaaS - Light as a Service
LABC - Local Authority Building Control
LABV - Local Asset Backed Vehicle
LAC - Local Authority Circular
LAD - Local Authority Delivery (scheme)
LADD - Lifetime Average Daily Dose
LADS - Linear Asset Decision Support
LADs - Liquidated and Ascertained Damages
LAEP - Local Area Energy Planning
LAF - Local Access Forum
LAPC - Local Air Pollution Control
LAPPC - Local Air Pollution and Prevention Control
LAPPC - Local Authority Pollution Prevention And Control
LAQM - Local Air Quality Management
LAQN - London Air Quality Network
LASER - Light Amplification By Stimulated Emission of Radiation
LASP - Local Authorities Strategic Programme
LASS - Leisure Accident Surveillance System
LAU - Local Authority Unit
LB - Listed Building
LB - Load-Bearing
LBA - Letter Before Action
LBA - London Boroughs Association
LBAP - Local Biodiversity Action Plan
LBC - Listed Building Consent
LBCO - Listed Building Consent Order
LBHPA - Listed Building Heritage Partnership Agreement
LBSM - London Building Stock Mode
LBTT - Land and Building Transaction Tax
LC - Lead Consultant
LC3 - Limestone calcined clay cement
LCA - Landscape Character Area
LCA - Lifecycle Assessment
LCA - Low Cost Alternative
LCCE - Life Cycle Carbon Emissions
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display (glazing)
LCF - Landfill Communities Fund
LCFS - Life Critical Fire Safety
LCFS - EWS - Life Critical Fire Safety External Wall System.
LCI - Life Cycle Inventory
LCLIP - Local Climate Impacts Profile
LCM - Lighting Control Module
LCN - London Cycle Network
LCN+ - London Cycle Network Plus
LCOE - Levelised Cost of Electricity / Energy
LCT - Landscape Character Type
LCV - Light-Commercial Vehicle
LD - Land Division
LD - Latent Defect
LD - Lead Designer
LDA - Landscape Design Approach
LDA - Linear Photodiode Array
LDA - London Development Agency
LDC - Lawful Development Certificate (/Certificate of Lawful Development)
LDD - Local Development Document
LDEDCA - Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009 -
LDES - Long duration electricity storage
LDF - Local Development Framework
LDF - Low Density Fibreboard
LDG - List of Dangerous Goods
LDI - Latent Defects Insurance
LDO - Local Development Order
LDPE - Low Density Polyethylene (bins, pipes & fittings)
LDs - Liquidated and Ascertained Damages
LDS - Local Development Scheme.
LDV - Leyland DAF van
LDV - Light-Duty Vehicle
LEA - Local Education Authority
LEA - Local Enterprise Agency
LEAP - Locally Equipped Area Of Play
LEAV - Lower Exposure Action Value
LED - Light-Emitting Diode
LED - Low Energy Demand
LEED - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
LEL - Lower Explosive Limit
LEL - Lower Exposure Limit
LEMP - Local Environmental Management Plan
LENDERS Project - Levering Economics for New Drivers to Energy Reduction & Sustainability Project
LENI - Lighting Energy Numerical Indicator
LEP - Local Energy Partnership
LEP - Local Enterprise Partnerships
LEP - Lowest Evaluated Price
LEPC - Lifts, Escalators and Passenger Conveyors
LEQ - Equivalent Continuous Sound Level
LEV - Local Exhaust Ventilation
LETI - London Energy Transformation Initiative
LEV - Local Exhaust Ventilation
LEZ - Low Emission Zone
LFDCA - London Fire and Civil Defence Authority
LFL - Lower Flammability Limit
LFRMS - Local Flood Risk Management Strategy
LFSM - Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode
LGA - Local Government Area
LGA - Local Government Association
LGA - Local Government Authority
LGBCE - Local Government Boundary Commission For England
LGBT - Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Trans.
LGS - Local Geological Site
LGS - Local Geological Site (Formerly Regionally Important Geological Sites)
LGSC - Landlord's Gas Safety Certificate
LGTF - Local Government Task Force
LGV - Light Goods Vehicle
LHA - Local Highway Authority
LHDG - London Housing Design Guide
LHEES - Local Heath and Energy Efficiency Strategies
LHPC - Low Heat Portland Cement
LHS - Left Hand Side
LHV - Lower Heating Value
LiDAR - Light Detection And Ranging
LiDAR - Light Detection And Ranging - or a combination of 'light' and 'radar'
LIF - Laser Induced Fluorescence
LIFE - Lotic
LIFE - Lotic-invertebrate Index for Flow Evaluation
LIFO - Last In-First Out
LIFT - Local Improvement Finance Trust
LIGS - locally important geological site
LIL - Local Interest List
LIP - Local Implementation Plan
LISI - London Invasive Species Initiative
LL - Live Load
LL - Low Level
LLA - Local Landscape Area.
LLAU - Limits Of Land To Be Acquired Or Used
LLBCO - Local Listed Building Consent Order
LLC - Limited Liability Corporation
LLCF - Long-Lived Climate Forcers
LLES - Large Scale Long Duration Electricity Storage
LLFA - Lead Local Flood Authority
LLL - Lifelong Learning
LLMI - Local Labour Market Intelligence
LLP - Limited Liability Partnership
LLU SMPF - Local loop unbundling shared metallic path facility
LMD- Light Maintenance Depot
LMFBR - Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor
LMP - Landscape Management Plan
LMP - Locational marginal pricing
LNAPL - Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid
LNG - Liquefied Natural Gas
LNHS - London Natural History Society
LNR - Local Nature Reserve
LNR - Local Nature Reserves
LNRS - Local Nature Recovery Strategy
LO - London Overground
LO - Low
LOA - Land Ownership Area
LOAEL - Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level
LOCAE - List of Classified and Authorised Explosives
LOd - Level of Detail
LOD - Level of Development (aka BIM)
LOD - Limit of Detection
LOEL - Lowest Observed Effect Level
LOF - Learnings Outcomes Framework
LOI - Letter of Intent
LoL - Limitation of Liability
LoLE - Loss of Load Expectation
LOLER - Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations
LON - Light Obstruction Notice
LoR - Letter of Reliance
LOR - Light Output Ratio
LOS - Leigh Ornithological Society
LOTI - Large Onshore Transmission Investment
LOTO - Lock Out Tag Out
LOX - Liquid Oxygen
LP - Legality of Production
LP - Lighting Panel / Lamp Post
LP - Limited Partnership
LP - Liquefied Petroleum
LP - Local Plan
LP - Low Pressure
LPA - Local Planning Authority
LpAeq - Day Equivalent Continuous Sound Pressure Level [Day
LpAeq - Equivalent Continuous A
LpAeq - Night Equivalent Continuous Sound Pressure Level [Night
LpAeq T - Equivalent Continuous A
LpAFmax - Maximum A
LpASmax - Maximum A
LPCB - Loss Prevention Certification Board
Lpeq - Equivalent Continuous Sound Pressure Level
LPG - Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LPS - Last Planner System
LPS - Loss Prevention Standard
LPT - Local Property Tax
LPT1 - London Power Tunnels Phase 1
LPT2 - London Power Tunnels Phase 2
LRAP - London Rivers Action Plan
LRFD - Load and Resistance Factor Design
LRT - Light Rapid Transit
LRV - Light Reflectance Value
LSD - Limit State Design
LSF - Low Smoke or Fumes
LSL - Laminated strand lumber
LSOA - Lower Super Output Area
LSP - Local Strategic Partnership
LSP - Loss Prevention Standard.
LSS - Load Scaling Sensitivity
LSSB - Large Single Storey Building
LST - Low Surface Temperature (radiators)
LSV - Lockshield Valve
LT - Light Transmittance value of glazing (Natural Light Value)
LTA - Lost Time Accident
Ltd - Limited Liability Company
LTEL - Long Term Exposure Limit.
LTHW - Low Temperature Hot Water
LTI - Lost Time Incident
LTIS - Long-term investment scenarios
L-TS - Long-Term Storage
LTSF - Local Track Selection Factor
Ltsrs - Long Term Safety Reviews
LTT - Lockout Tagout Try
LU - London Underground
LUCID - Local Urban Climate Model and the Intelligent Development of Cities
LUL - London Underground Limited
LULUCF - Land Use Land Use Change And Forestry
LUPI - Land Use Pollution Index
LUSTER - London Urban Sub-Terrain Energy Recovery
LV - Large Vegetation
LV - Low Voltage
LV - Low Volume
LVA - Landscape and Visual Appraisal.
LVD - Low Voltage Directive
LVDC - Low-Voltage Direct Current
LVDMAP - Low Value Disputes Model Adjudication Procedure
LVDT - Linear Variable Differential Transducer
LVIA - Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
LVL - Laminated veneer lumber
LVMF - London View Management Framework
LVT - Luxury Vinyl Tiles
LWA - Lightweight Aggregate
LWD - Large Woody Debris
LWPC - Lowest Working Pressure Component
LWS - Local Wildlife Site
LWSC - Long Wave Shading Coefficient
LZC - Low or Zero Carbon (Technologies)
LZCGT - Low or Zero-Carbon Generating Technology
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