Construction industry acronyms - F
This article presents a list of construction industry acronyms beginning with 'F'.
For other letters click on the list below:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
[edit] F
F&RA - Fire and Rescue Authority
FA - Floor Above
FA - Forms of Appointment
FAAP - Fitzrovia Area Action Plan
FAME - Fatty Acid Methyl Esters
FAO - For attention of
FAOLU - Farming, Agriculture and Other Land Uses
FAP - Fire Alarm Panel
FAR - Floor Area Ratio
FARL - Feh Index Of Flood Attenuation Due To Reservoirs And Lake
FARL - Flood attenuation due to reservoirs and lakes
FAS - Fall Arrest System
FAST - Function Analysis System Technique (value management)
FAT - Factory Acceptance Test
FAT - Full agricultural tenancy
FB - From Below
FBC - Full Business Case
FBT - Farm business tenancy
FBTA - From Below To Above
FC - False Ceiling
FC - Flexible Connection
FC - Foot Candle.
FC - Tuflow Flow Constriction Layer
FC(SP)R - Fire Certificate (Special Premises) Regulations 1976
FCA - Facility Condition Assessment
FCA - Flood Consequence Assessment
FCCP - Fire Curtain Control Panel
FCD - Field Capacity Days
FCEC - Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors (dissolved in November 1996 and superseded by the Civil Engineering Contractors Association (CECA))
FCERM - flood and coastal erosion risk management
FCEV - Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle
FCI - Facility Condition Index
FCRM - Flood & Coastal Risk Management
FCU - Fan Coil Unit
FD - Fire Door
FD - Floor Drain
FDAS - Fire Detection and Alarm Systems
FDC - FLow Duration Course
FDFAS - Fire Detection and Fire Alarm System
FDIS - Final Draft International Standard
FDM - Foundational Data Model
FEED - Front End Engineering and Design (contract)
FEES - Fabric Energy Efficiency Standard
FEF - Fire and Emergency File
FEH - Flood Estimation Handbook
FEM - Finite Element Method (simulation techniques)
FER - Fundamental Expenditure Review
FERA - Fera Science Limited (Formerly Food And Environment Research Agency)
FES - Fabric Energy Storage
FESS - Fire, Emergency and Security Systems
FETA - Federation of Environmental Trade Associations
FF - Far Face
FF - Floor Finishes (plan)
FF - Fridge Freezer
FF&E / FFE - Furniture Fittings & Equipment
FFC - Flat Flexible Cables
FFHH - Fitness For Human Habitation.
FFI - Fee for Intervention (Health and Safety Executive)
FFL - Finished Floor Level
FFOG - Food, Fats, Oils and Grease
FFP - Filtering Facepieces
FFP - Finished Floor Plan
FFP - Fit For Purpose
FFR - Firm Frequency Response
FGD - Flue-Gas Desulphurisation
FGL - Finished Ground Level
FH - Fire Hydrant
FHC - Fully Hydraulically Calculated
FHS - Future Homes Standard
FI - Fire Investigation
FIA - Fire Industry Association
FICE - Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers
FID - Final Investment Decision
FIDIC - Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils
FIM - Facilities Information Model
FIS - Finishes and Interiors Sector.
FISP - Financial Systems and Payments
FIStructE - Fellow of the Institution of Structural Engineers
FIT - Feed-In Tariff
FIXT - Fixture
FL - Floor Level
FLOWMIS - Floating Offshore Wind Manufacturing Investment Scheme
FLP - Flameproof
FLR - Floor
FLS - Funding for Lending Scheme
FMA - Facilities Management Administrator
FMA - Facilities Management Audit
FMAS - Financial Management Accounting System
FMB - Federation of Master Builders
FMCG - Fast-moving consumer goods
FMD - Foot And Mouth Disease
FMD - Fuel Mix Disclosure
FMEA - Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
FMECA - Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis
FMfSW - Flood Map For Surface Water
FMU - Field Management Unit
FND - Foundation
FO - Fibre Optic
FOAK - First of a kind
FOC - Face of Concrete
FOC - Fibre Optic Cable
FOD - Field Operations Directorate
FoE - Friends Of The Earth
FOF - Face of Finish
FOG - Fat Oil and Grease
FoMLG - Friends Of Marie Louise Gardens
FOPS - Falling Object Protective Structure
FORS - Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme
FOS - Face of Stud
FOU - For official Use
FP - Field Professional
FP - Foamed Polyethylene
FP(W)R - Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997
FPA71 - Fire Precautions Act 1971
FPC - Factory Production Control
FPC - Flat Printed Circuits
FPE - Fan Pressurisation Equipment
FPEXT - Floodplain Extent The Fraction Of The Catchment Inundated By A 1 In 100
FPEXT - Floodplain extent, the fraction of the catchment inundated by a 1 in 100
FPL - Fireplace
FPN - Fixed Penalty Notice
FPO - Fire Prevention officer
FPS - Functional Performance Specification
FR - Fire Rated
FR - Fire-Resistant
Fr - Froude number
FRA - Fire and Rescue Authority
FRA - Fire Risk Assessor
FRA - Flood Risk Assessment
FRAEW - Fire Risk Appraisal of External Walls
FRAP - Flood Risk Activity Permit
FRCM - fabric-reinforced cementitious matrix
FRCM - fibre-reinforced cementitious mortars
FRe - Flood Resilience (technologies)
FRI - Full Repairing and Insuring (Lease)
FRL - Fibre Reinforced Laminate
FRM - Flood Risk Management
FRMP - Flood Risk Management Plan
FRP - Fibre Reinforced Plastic
FRP - Fibre Reinforced Polymer
FRR - The Flood Risk Regulations 2009
FRS - Fire and Rescue Service
FRSD - Fire and Rescue Service Directorate
FS - Fire Strategy (drawing)
FS - Fused Spur
FSA - Fire and Security Association
FSC - Forest Stewardship Council
FSD - Fire and Smoke Damper
FSD - Full Scale Deflection
FSI - Floor Space Index
FSM - Frequency Sensitive Mode
FSMS - Field Survey Methods And Standards
FSNR - Future Systems and Network Regulation
FSO - Fire Safety Order
FSO - Formal Second Opinion
FSO - Fire Safety Officer
FSO - Future System Operator
FSR - Filter Self-Rescuer (Mining)
FSR - Floorspace Ratio
FSSR - flood studies supplementary report
FSSU - Field Scientific Support Unit Now Field Services Unit
FSV - Free Steered Vehicle
FTA - Fault Tree Analysis
FTA - Federal Transit Administration
FTE - Full
FTE - Full-Time Equivalent
FTG - Footing
FTN - Fixed Telecommunications Network
FTP - Framework Travel Plan
FTTC - Fibre to the cabinet
FTTP - Fibre to the premises
FWH - Flexible Working Hours
FWMA - Flood and Water Management Act
FWR - Functional Work Recording System
FYI - Fabrication Yield Improvement
5YHLS - Five Year Housing Land Supply.
FZM - Flood Zone Map (Environment Agency)
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