BREEAM Sustainable Transport Measures
Original Authors:
[edit] Aim and benefits
To maximise the potential for local public, private and active transport through the provision of sustainable transport measures appropriate to the site. It supports reduction in car journeys and, therefore, congestion and carbon emissions over the building's life cycle.
An effective Travel Plan and promoting the use of sustainable transport measures are beneficial to organisations, building users and communities by helping organisations to reduce their corporate carbon footprint, easy access to the site and reducing traffic congestion and pollution.
[edit] When to consider
The travel plan should be developed during the feasibility and early design stages - RIBA Stages 1 and 2.
Where consultation with the Local Authority is required for Option 6, this should be completed during Stage 2.
[edit] Step by step guidance
[edit] Pre-Requisite
To award any credits under Tra02, Tra01 Transport assessment and travel plans must have been achieved.
[edit] Transport options and point scoring
- 10 credits are available dependant on the number of points scored. Number of points required is related to the Accessibility Index i.e. more sustainable transport measures will be required where there are poor transport links.
- Points are awarded based on how many of the sustainable transport measures have been followed/implemented within the scheme.
- Point scoring system and options are set out in table 7.4 of the technical manual. The list should be reviewed with the client and the design team and by reviewing the site location and proposals to determine which credits are being achieved, and which measures could potentially be incorporated.
[edit] Determining how many credits can be awarded based on points achieved and AI
Points | Credits | ||
AI < 25 |
AI ≥ 25, <40 (urban centres) |
AI ≥ 40 (metropolitan centre locations) |
1 | 1 | 1 | |
2 | 1 | 2 | |
3 | 2 | 3 | |
4 | 2 | 4 | |
5 | 3 | 5 | |
6 | 4 | 3 | 6 |
7 | 5 | 7 | |
8 | 6 | 4 | 8 |
9 | 7 | 5 | 9 |
10 | 8 | 6 | 10 |
The higher the AI, the less points which need to be achieved to gain credits.
[edit] Option 1 - Calculating the Accessibility Index of a Project
For Projects outside Greater London
Determine the project’s Accessible Index (AI) (required for inclusion within the Travel Plan for Tra01) using the following process:
- Identify all the compliant public transport nodes – bus stops within 650m and any railway station within 1000m of the assessed building’s main entrance, measured via a safe pedestrian route. Services from each node must provide transport from, or travel to, either an urban centre, major transport node, community focal point (surgery, school, library, village centre etc). Only local services should be assessed, unless a national public service can be said to provide a local commuter service.
- For each transport node, collate the following information:
- distance (m) from the main building entrance to each compliant node following a safe pedestrian route (google maps can be used as evidence to show this)
- Public transport types serving the compliant node e.g. bus or rail
- Average number of services stopping per hour during the operating hours of the building for a typical day (see table 7.2 in the technical manual for default hours of operation by building type). Download any bus or train timetables and where routes are bi-directional, consider only the direction within the highest frequency. Where a bus or train has more than one node within proximity to the site, i.e. serves more than one bus stop, only the closest should be considered.
- The data should be input into the BREEAM Accessibility Index Tool to calculate the AI.
For Projects in Greater London
Use the Transport for London Planning Information Database to determine the Accessibility Index for a given location using either street name, coordinates or post code. The total AI is confirmed for the Point of Interest (POI) within a summary report which may be downloaded and used as evidence.
NB: A typical day represents the period when travel to and from the building by its users and visitors will be at its highest. For most buildings that will be a mid-week day. Where shift patterns see over 80% of the building users arriving or leaving during a certain period i.e. an office building where the majority of workers arrive between 08.00 and 10.00, then this period may be used as an alternative to the default operating hours. During typically deemed unsociable hours, where there is little public transport operating, such periods do not need to be accounted for in the assessment of this issue.
[edit] Option 7 – Cycle Storage Requirements
- The number of cycle spaces required can be determined for the building type using table 7.5 within the technical manual.
- Where building user numbers are unknown or speculative, default occupancy rates can be calculated as per Table 7.7 of the Technical Manual, multiplying the default occupant densities given by the net floor area for each building type and function area.
- Where cycle storage provision is calculated to be less than 4, total provision should be based on the lower of the following:
- A minimum of 4 compliant spaces OR
- One space per building user
- Where the AI indicated in Transport Option 1 is met, the number of cycle spaces required can be reduced by 50% (n/a where the sliding scale has been used and subject to the minimum provisions as set out above)
- Where the assessed building is constructed on an existing site or multiple new buildings are to be constructed, a site wide approach may be used with shared compliant storage provided based on the number of users on the whole site, or those buildings sharing the cycle facilities where applicable.
A sliding scale can be used to calculate the cyclist provision where there are over 200 users:
- For buildings with more than 200 users but less than 300, the unit of measure can be increased by a ratio of 1.5.
- For buildings with more than 300 users but less than 400, the unit of measure can be increased by a ratio of 2.
- For buildings with more than 400 users, the unit of measure can be increased by a ratio of 2.5.
The calculation starts from the first 200 building users, with no ratio, and keeps going considering the ratio only for the remaining building users.For example, an office building with 800 users would be required to provide the following number of cycle storage spaces:
- 1–200 users @ 1 space per 10 users = 20 spaces
- 201–300 users @ 1 space per 15 users (standard unit of measure x 1.5) = 7 spaces
- 301–400 users @ 1 space per 20 users (standard unit of measure x 2) = 5 spaces
- 401+ users @ 1 space per 25 users (standard unit of measure x 2.5) = 16 spaces
- Total compliant cycle storage spaces required = 48 spaces.
The sliding scale of compliance does not apply to the following building types: large retail, primary schools, multi-residential buildings and MOD residential buildings.
- For sites in rural locations, the number of cycle storage spaces can be reduced as follows:
- Where the nearest urban location is greater than 10miles, the number of cycles spaces can be reduced by 50%
- Where the nearest urban location is greater than 20miles, the number of cycles spaces can be reduced by 70%
- Where the nearest urban location is greater than 30miles, the number of cycles spaces can be reduced by 90%
- To be compliant, the cycle storage spaces must meet the following requirements:
- Cycles can be secured within spaces in racks with overhead covering. The cycle racks are set in or fixed to a permanent structure (building or hardstanding) or alternatively, may be located in a locked structure fixed to, or part of, a permanent structure with appropriate surveillance
- The distance between each cycle rack, and the cycle racks and other obstructions, e.g. a wall, allows appropriate access to the cycle storage space for easy storage and access to bikes
- The storage facility or entrance to the facility is in a prominent site location visible to potential users from either an occupied building or a main access to a building
- The cycle storage facility has adequate lighting; demonstrated by meeting the lighting criteria in BREEAM issue Hea 01 Visual comfort
- The lighting must be controlled to avoid out-of-hours use and operation during daylight hours, where there is sufficient daylight in or around the facility.
[edit] Option 8 – Cycle Facility Requirements
- Cycle storage as set out in Option 7 must be provided.
- 2 of the following cycle facilities must be provided:
- Compliant Changing Facilities – appropriately sized for the number of cycle storage spaces or showers provided, provide privacy to allow cyclists of either gender to change in private, include adequate space and facilities to hang or store clothing and equipment such as bench seat and hooks. Toilet or shower cubicles can not be counted as compliant changing facilities.
- Compliant Drying Spaces – must be a space specifically designed and designated for this purpose with suitable finishes, adequate heating, adequate ventilation and facilities to hang wet clothes for drying. Plant rooms are non-compliant. Coat hooks in cloakrooms or changing areas are also non-compliant as they are unlikely to have adequate ventilation or allow sufficient movement to dry clothes effectively.
- Compliant Lockers – The number of lockers should be equal to the number of cycle spaces required. The lockers should be located in or adjacent to the changing rooms, where provided. The lockers must be appropriately sized for the storage of cyclist’s facilities i.e. helmet, shoes, backpack and clothing.
- Compliant Showers – Should be provided on the basis of one shower for every 10 cycle storage spaces, subject to a minimum provision of one. Any building providing 8 showers or more will comply regardless of the number of cycle storage spaces. Both male and female must be catered for with either separate showers within shared gender specific facilities (with 50-50 split), or single shower cubicles and changing space for mixed use (where a changing facility is to count as an additional amenity). The showers do not need to be dedicated to cyclist’s only.
[edit] Options 9 & 10 – Proximity to Amenities Requirements
- At least 3 of the existing accessible amenities should be located within 500m of the building entrance, via a safe pedestrian route (option 9):
Criteria | Office, Retail, Industrial, Courts & Prisons | Preschool, Schools, 6th Form | Higher & Further Education | Healthcare | Multi-Residential | Other Building Types |
Appropriate food outlet | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Access to cash | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Access to an outdoor space (public/private, suitably sized and accessible to building users | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Access to a recreation or leisure facility for fitness or sports | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Publicly available postal facility | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Community facility | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Over the counter services associated with a pharmacy | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Public sector GP surgery or general medical centre | X | X | X | |||
Child care facility or school | X | X | X | X |
[edit] Questions to ask while seeking compliance
- Has a transport assessment and travel plan been completed, compliant with Tra01 criteria?
- Is the building occupant known? they must be consulted for provision of Travel Plan.
- What is the calculated Accessibility Index for the site?
- What are the building user numbers or default occupancy numbers need to be calculated?
- Are any improvements to the local transport systems and cycle pedestrian routes proposed?
- What car parking is to be provided. will any of this be car share or have electric charging points?
- Is the client proposing to install cycle storage and facilities (or infrastructure for shell projects) and are these just for the assessed building users or on a site wide basis?
- Is the site in a rural location?
- Are there any existing amenities within 500m of the site or proposed as part of the development?
[edit] Tools and resources
BREEAM 2018 New Construction Manual - Tra02
Credit table related to number of points achieved
Sliding scale of compliance for cycle storage
Transport for London PTAL website - for AI in Greater London
Bus and Rail timetables
Google maps or other online map sites (bus and railway stations/local amenities)
Google or other search engines (bus and railway stations/local amenities)
[edit] Tips and best practice
Disabled toilets must not be used for cyclist facilities unless additional toilets are available for use.
Cycle storage must be covered and within view of the building (or adequate signage provided)
Scale plans or maps should be provided to show safe pedestrian routes to amenities and transport nodes. These can be completed Google maps at design stage but should be checked during the site visit.
The Transport for London PTAL website may be used to calculate the AI for site within Greater London
Once disabled access is considered in the Travel Plan, ensure it covers all levels of disability and addresses visual impairment
Existing Travel Plan for wider sites are acceptable if it accounts for all building users including existing and new buildings.
[edit] Typical evidence
Pre-requisite - copy of a compliant Travel Plan.
Option 1 - AI calculation from Tra 01 - copy of bus/train time tables and to scale map showing distance of transport node to building entrance OR PTAL report (London sites). Up to date information must be provided during the post construction assessment. Photos of bus stops/train station post construction.
Option 2 - Demonstration of an increase over the existing Accessibility Index through negotiation with local bus, train or tram companies to increase the frequency of the local service provision for the development. OR This could be through provision of a diverted bus route, a new or enhanced bus stop, or other similar solutions. Finally it is possible to provide a dedicated service, such as a bus route or service. Copies of contractual agreements should be provided as evidence.
Option 3 - A public transport information system in a publicly accessible area, to allow building users access to up-to-date information on the available public transport and transport infrastructure. This may include signposting to public transport, cycling, walking infrastructure or local amenities. Drawings/specifications can be provided at design stage. Photos should be provided at post construction.
Option 4 - Electric recharging stations of a minimum of 3kw for at least 10% of the total car parking capacity for the development. Drawings and specification at design stage. Assessor site visit at post construction.
Option 5 - A car sharing group or facility to facilitate and encourage building users to car share. Raised awareness of the sharing scheme with marketing and communication materials. Priority spaces for car sharers for at least 5% of the total car parking capacity for the development. Locate priority parking spaces nearest the development entrance used by the sharing scheme participants. Drawings can be provided as evidence at design stage with car share proposals within the Travel Plan. Assessor site inspection can confirm measures have been implemented post construction.
Option 6 - Agreements with Local Authority, drawings and specifications to show improvements to local cycle networks and pedestrian routes. Assessor site inspection at post construction.
Option 7 - Confirmation of building user numbers. Drawings and specification confirming location and specification of compliant cycle storage. Assessor site inspection at post construction stage.
Option 8 - Evidence of at least two compliant cyclists' facilities for the building users: – Showers – Changing facilities – Lockers – Drying spaces. Drawings and specification at design stage, assessor site inspection at post construction stage. For shell buildings, the facilities do not need to be installed but infrastructure must be in place for future fit out.
Option 9 - Evidence for at least 3 existing compliant amenities being present. - to scale site plans/maps confirming amenities and their distance from site following a safe pedestrian route. Assessor site inspection should confirm the existence of the amenities and their proximity to the building entrance.
Option 10 - Design stage evidence in the form of drawings and specification to confirm the new amenities to be provided. Assessor site inspection to verify their installation post construction.
For phased developments - check out KBCN1073 to confirm requirements.
[edit] Applicable Schemes
The guidelines collated in this ISD aim to support sustainable best practice in the topic described. This issue may apply in multiple BREEAM schemes covering different stages in the life of a building, different building types and different year versions. Some content may be generic but scheme nuances should also be taken into account. Refer to the comments below and related articles to this one to understand these nuances. See this document for further guidelines.
- BREEAM New Construction 2018
BRE Global does not endorse any of the content posted and use of the content will not guarantee the meeting of certification criteria.
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