Last edited 24 Oct 2022

Comparison of standard project plans used in the construction industry


[edit] What is a plan of work?

A plan of work is an agreed system for classifying different stages in the lifecycle of projects to define, design, construct, operate and decommission built assets. It is important to be clear about the exact definition of project stages as these can be used to establish gateways were decisions are made about whether to proceed with a project, as well as payment points and contractual milestones.

Unfortunately the construction industry has not settled on a single plan of work, and this is very confusing both within the industry and for those working with the industry, such as clients.

This article began by mapping the project stages set out in the RIBA Plan of Work (2007) v the RIBA Plan of Work (2013) v the Designing Buildings Wiki Project Plans v the OGC gateway review process. It has since expanded and developed as different project plans have been published and updated.

[edit] RIBA plan of work 2007 v 2013 v OGC Gateways

The differences between, and areas of similarity between, the RIBA plan of work 2007 v 2013 v OGC Gateways are set out below. These are compared with the plan of work created for Designing Buildings, which places greater emphasis on the crucial early stages of the project when important decisions are made about its nature and scope and whether it should proceed at all. The RIBA plan of work gives undue (but understandable) emphasis on the design stages, which may be less important to the client.

Comparison of work stages 2.png

[edit] 2020 RIBA Plan of Work

In 2020, the RIBA Plan of Work stages were changed to:

[edit] BIM Task Group Digital Plan of Work

The 2014 BIM Task Group Digital Plan of Work was based on:

[edit] Construction Industry Council scope of services

The 2007 Construction Industry Council (CIC) scope of services adopted:

[edit] The Construction Playbook

The 2022 Construction Playbook, published by HM Government, adopted:

  • Preparation and planning.
  • Publication.
  • Selection.
  • Evaluation and award.
  • Contract implementation.

[edit] ISO 19650-2

ISO 19650-2, publsuhed in 2018 adopted:

[edit] Soft Landings Framework

The 2018 Soft Landings Framework adopted:

[edit] Plans of work for infrastructure

The nature of infrastructure projects can be different to projects buildings, and so they have tended to adopt their own plans of work.

[edit] The importance of defining the plan of work

Given the complexity of this situation and the potential for misunderstanding the nature of what is meant by different project stages it is important that appointment documents and contracts set out precisely what is required, and at what level of detail for different stages of a project rather than relying on reference to ambiguous names or process maps.

[edit] Related articles on Designing Buildings


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please, what are the differences between RIBA plan of work and GRIP

Why cant the industry settle on one plan and just stick to it. Constant change is confusing for everyone.

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