BREEAM and RIBA stages
Original authors
[edit] Introduction
Many BREEAM-related actions are tied to development stages as set out in the RIBA Plan of Work.
The benefits of early-stage actions to support the BREEAM process are well-known in adding value to sustainable development projects.
This Wiki aims to align project development activities to the RIBA Plan of Work and BREEAM using the New Construction 2018 methodology. Most are illustrative of the relevant actions for other versions of BREEAM New Construction, but a licensed BREEAM assessor or BREEAM AP should be consulted for further details.
Credits Requiring Early Attention (RIBA Stages 1-4)
A number of issues need to be addressed at early design stages of the project to ensure that the project sustainability performance can be fully optimised. These credits may involve the appointment of specialist consultants, preparation of reports or consideration of certain aspects of the design at a stage when changes are still feasible to ensure compliance with the BREEAM criteria. Where certain issues are not reviewed at the correct stages then it may become very difficult or impossible to achieve these credits.
[edit] Related resources
UKNC 2018 Graphical version: Click image below
Link to all technical resources on
KBCN1156 Time critical BREEAM requirements – reference to RIBA work stages
[edit] Summary
In summary the following actions should be carried out pre-planning:
- Appointment of BREEAM Advisory Professional (AP) (Man01) – Stage 1
- Design responsibilities and contribution to the design decision making process to be documented (Man01) – Stage 2
- Third party consultation – list of stakeholders to be consulted and documented evidence of feedback and subsequent response/design amendments (or Statement of Community Involvement) (Man01) – Stage 2
- Indoor Air Quality Plan to be commissioned (Hea02) (specific criteria to be covered) – Stage 2
- Security Specialist or CPDA to be consulted and to provide a Security Needs Assessment (Hea06) (specific criteria to be covered) – Stage 2
- Preliminary design workshop focusing on operational energy performance to be held (Ene01) – Stage 2 (n/a to shell only)
- Passive Design Analysis and LZC Feasibility Studies to be produced (Ene04) (specific criteria to be covered) – Stage 2
- Transport Assessment and Travel Plan to be prepared (Tra01) (specific criteria to be covered) – Stage 2
- LCA to be completed either using simplified BREEAM LCA tool or BREEAM compliant software tool. Options appraisals to be carried out (Mat01) – Stage 2
- Pre-demolition audit to be carried out to determine the feasibility of refurbishment, re-use or recycling (specific criteria to be included) (Wst01) – Stage 2
- Functional Adaptation Strategy Study to be completed by the architect (Wst06) – Stage 2
- Acoustician to be appointed to be appointed to advise on performance criteria (Hea05) – Stage 3
- Commissioning manager (project team member / specialist commissioning manager depending on complexity) to be appointed to undertake design reviews and give advice on commissionability – Stage 3/4
- Appointment of Ecologist to carry out survey and evaluation of the ecological value of the site (LE02-05) – Stage 1
A list of actions required up to RIBA Stage 4 can be found below.
[edit] RIBA Stage 1 – Preparation and Brief
[edit] Man01 – Project Brief and Design – BREEAM Advisory Professional (AP)
BREEAM performance targets to be formally agreed between the client and design team/project team during this stage, with support from the BREEAM AP. This should be documented within the project brief.
Note: this only applies to BREEAM 2011 and 2014 assessments. For 2018, refer to RIBA Stage 2.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Tra 01 – Transport Assessment and Travel Plan – Travel Plan
During the feasibility and design stages, a travel plan should be developed based on a site specific travel assessment or statement. A this stage of the project, the transport assessment should be undertaken to determine the existing travel patterns and opinions of the existing building or site users along with an appraisal of the existing of the current travel facilities.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Tra 02 – Sustainable Transport Measures (applies to BREEAM 2018 only)
Where assessment option 6 is being considered, the design team should consult with the Local Authority during this stage on the state of the local cycle network and public accessible pedestrian routes.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Mat 03: Responsible Sourcing of Construction Products – Enabling Sustainable Procurement
A sustainable procurement plan must be in place before Concept Design and be used by the design team to guide specification towards sustainable construction products. This means that the onus is now on the Client or the Architect to have a sustainable procurement plan in place, instead of leaving it to the contractor.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Mat 06: Material Efficiency
At this stage, an assessment of the site to determine the likely project scale and the client’s functional and aesthetic requirements should be undertaken to set material efficiency objectives for the project. The outcome should be a dedicated report that sets out a clear framework to guide material efficiency activities throughout the remaining project stages.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] LE02 to LE05: Ecology Section
Following the appointment of the ecologist at Stage 1 to carry out an ecological survey and evaluation of the site to determine the baseline ecological value of the site and , direct and indirect risks to the ecological value and enhancement potential. During the Concept Design, the ecologist must work with the project team to ensure the optimal ecological outcome for the site is achieved.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] RIBA Stage 2 – Concept Design Stage
[edit] Man01: Project Brief and Design – Project Delivery Planning
Consultations/meetings to take place with client, building occupier, design team and contractor (or project manager) to identify and define roles, responsibilities and contributions to the decision-making process prior to completion of the Concept Design. Evidence to be obtained includes design responsibilities matrix, design programme, meeting minutes showing contribution to the design process from all parties and design programme highlighting RIBA stages.
BSRIA BG6/2018 and the RIBA Plan of Work contain tools that can be used to set out the design responsibilities and deliverables at each RIBA Stage.
[edit] Man01: Project Brief and Design – Stakeholders Consultation (interested parties)
All relevant third parties and stakeholders to be consulted including any building users, FM staff, representative consultation groups from the existing community, potential users of the proposed facilities, existing partnerships and networks with experience working on buildings of the same type, local or national heritage groups.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Man 01 – Project Brief and Design – BREEAM Advisory Professional (AP)
BREEAM performance targets and other strategic performance targets to be formally agreed between the client and design team/project team during this stage, with support from the BREEAM AP. This should be documented within the project brief. This element only applies to BREEAM 2018 assessment. For BREEAM 2011 and 2014 assessments, refer to the RIBA Stage 1 requirements.
BREEAM AP to be appointed early in the design process, to work with the project team to assist them in maximising the project’s overall performance against BREEAM from their appointment and throughout Concept Design. BREEAM AP is to monitor progress, identify risks/opportunities and provide support and feedback as required to the project team. This applies to all BREEAM assessments (2011, 2014 and 2018).
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Man02: Life Cycle Cost & Service Life Planning – Elemental Life Cycle Cost (LCC)
A competent person must carry out an outline, entire asset LCC plan to be completed at Stage 2 together with any design options appraisals in line with PD 15865:2008 and use it to influence the building and systems design.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Hea02: Indoor Air Quality – Indoor Air Quality Plan (IAQ)
An indoor air quality plan must be prepared by the end of the Concept Design. It is important to note that, under BREEAM NC 2018, producing an IAQ plan is now a pre-requisite if any other credits within Hea 02 are to be targeted.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Hea 05: Acoustic Performance
There are two routes to demonstrating compliance with this credit, one of which requires the appointment of a Suitably Qualified Acoustician (SQA) during this Stage.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Hea 06: Security
Security specialist or ALO/CPDA to be consulted at Concept Design Stage to carry out a Security Needs Assessment.
Any ALO/CPDA/DOCO must still demonstrate that they hold the qualifications, experience and memberships required in the BREEAM NC 2018 manual.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Ene01: Reduction of energy use and carbon emissions – Prediction of operational energy consumption
Prior to the end of the Concept Design, the design team is to hold a preliminary design workshop focusing on operational energy performance. Minutes to be provided. Additional energy modelling to be undertaken during the design and construction stages to calculate operational energy consumption.
A risk assessment also needs to be carried out to highlight any significant design, technical, and process risks.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Ene04: Low Carbon Design – Passive Design Analysis
Passive design analysis to be carried out during the Concept Design Stage to identify the opportunities for passive design solutions that reduce demands on energy consuming building services.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Ene04: Low Carbon Design – Low and Zero Carbon Technologies Feasibility
Low and Zero Carbon Feasibility Study to be carried out by an Energy Specialist to establish the most suitable LZC energy sources for the site.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Ene 07: Energy Efficiency Laboratory Systems – Design Specification
During preparation of the initial brief, the design team should engage with the client to determine occupant requirements and define the laboratory performance criteria.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Tra01: Transport Assessment and Travel Plan
A travel plan should be developed during the feasibility and design stage of the project. In addition to the regular BREEAM NC 2014 requirements, the travel plan is now to include the Accessibility Index (AI) of the site, as well as considering any local amenities within 500m.
As a minimum, the travel plan has to consider all of the travel measures listed under ‘Travel Plan Proposals’ within the ‘Methodology’ section of the manual.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Mat 01: Environmental Impacts from Construction Products – Building Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Life cycle assessment to be completed Concept Design using either the BREEAM Simplified Building LCA Tool or a BREEAM recognised compliant tool (where not completed at this stage the overall score for this issue is capped at 3 points).
The Mat 01/Mat 02 results submission tool should be submitted to the BRE at the end of the stage.
The above only applies to office, industrial and retail buildings.
For all building types, an LCA options appraisal of 2 to 4 significantly differed superstructure design options must be undertaken using a building LCA tool recognised by BREEAM which should then influence the design.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Mat 06: Material Efficiency
At this stage, workshops should be held with the project team to identify design opportunities to reduce or optimise materials use through design, specification, construction techniques etc. The outcome of this stage should be a set of minutes of the workshops held along with documentation demonstrating how the feedback from the workshop has been incorporated into the design.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Wst 01: Construction Waste Management
Where demolition is to take place, a pre-demolition audit of any existing buildings, structures or hard surfaces must be completed at Concept Design to determine the feasibility for refurbishment, reuse or recycling.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Wst 05: Adaptation to Climate Change
Conduct a climate change adaptation strategy appraisal using a systematic risk assessment to identify the impact of expected extreme weather conditions arising from climate change on the building over its projected life cycle; to cover the installation of building services and renewable systems together with structural and fabric resilience. Recommendations and solutions must be established and am update on how these have been implemented provided at Technical Design.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Wst06: Functional Adaptability
Building specific Functional Adaptation Strategy Study to be carried out at Concept Design Stage. Functional Adaptation Implementation Plan to follow at RIBA Stage 4.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] RIBA Stage 3 – Developed Design Stage
Man 01 – Project Brief and Design – BREEAM Advisory Professional (AP)
BREEAM AP to be appointed early in the design process, to work with the project team to assist them in maximising the project’s overall performance against BREEAM from their appointment and throughout Concept Design. BREEAM AP is to monitor progress, identify risks/opportunities and provide support and feedback as required to the project team. This applies to all BREEAM assessments (2011, 2014 and 2018).
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Man04: Commissioning – Design and Preparation
An appropriate project team member (or specialist commissioning manager where complex building services are to be installed) must be appointed to undertake design reviews and give advice on the suitability for ease of commissioning.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Hea 05: Acoustic Performance
Acoustician to advise on performance criteria and setting out testing regimes for sound insulation, indoor ambient noise levels and reverberation times for non-residential areas. Appointment should be during the early design stages for any recommendations to be incorporated within the design. Acoustician to hold a degree/PhD or equivalent qualification in acoustics or sound testing; have a minimum of 3 years relevant experience within the last 5 years and be an individual who holds a recognised acoustic qualification and membership of an appropriate professional body such as the Institute of Acoustics.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Mat 06: Material Efficiency
At this stage, the material efficiency measures and strategies identified during the previous stages should be incorporated into the designs as appropriate. A report should be produced that highlights any deviations along with documentation to demonstrate the incorporation of the measures.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] RIBA Stage 4 – Technical Design Stage
[edit] Man 01: Project Brief and Design – Stakeholders Consultation (interested parties)
Following on from the RIBA Stage 2 requirements outline above, all interested parties should give and receive consultant feedback prior to the completion of RIBA Stage 4. This feedback should focus on the stakeholders’ suggestions, comments, recommendations and the consultation outcomes. It should include how the suggestions and outcomes influenced, or resulted in, modifications to the proposed design and building operation or use. It is not expected that all feedback received should be implemented and, where it is not, this should be justified.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Man 02: Life Cycle Cost & Service Life Planning – Component Level LCC options appraisal
A competent person must develop a component level LCC options appraisal by the end of RIBA Stage 4 in line with PD 156865:2008.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Mat 01: Environmental Impacts from Construction Products – Building Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
During RIBA Stage 4, the environmental performance of the building should be demonstrated as follows:
- Carry out a building LCA on the superstructure design using the same methodology as outlined under the RIBA Stage 2 requirements.
- Submit the Mat 01/Mat 02 results submission tool to the BRE at the end of the stage.
The above only applies to office, industrial and retail building.
For all building types, an LCA options appraisal of 2 to 3 significantly differed superstructure design options must be undertaken using a building LCA tool recognised by BREEAM which should then influence the design.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Mat 06: Material Efficiency
At this stage, the material efficiency measures and strategies identified during the previous stages should be incorporated into the designs as appropriate. A report should be produced that highlights any deviations along with documentation to demonstrate the incorporation of the measures.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Wst 05: Adaptation to Climate Change
An update of the initial assessment produced during RIBA Stage 2 should be undertaken to demonstrate how the recommendations or solutions proposed have been implemented where practical and cost effective. Omissions should be justified in writing.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
[edit] Wst 06: Functional Adaptability
An update of the initial assessment produced during RIBA Stage 2 should be undertaken to demonstrate how the recommendations or solutions proposed have been implemented where practical and cost effective. Omissions should be justified in writing.
For more information, refer to the following pages:
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