Last edited 18 Sep 2024

Responsible Actors Scheme RAS


[edit] Establishment of the RAS scheme

The Building Safety (Responsible Actors Scheme and Prohibitions) Regulations 2023 includes in Chapter 1, Item 5: Establishment of scheme (Responsible Actors Scheme or RAS). "A scheme to be known as the Responsible Actors Scheme (“the scheme”), which is a scheme to secure the safety of people in or about buildings and improve the standard of buildings by securing that persons in the building industry remedy defects in buildings relating to fire safety and contribute to costs associated with remedying such defects in relation to buildings, is established in accordance with these Regulations."

Brief details of the RAS are outlined below for further detailed information visit Responsible Actors Scheme Regulations.

[edit] Aims of the scheme in brief

The Scheme aims to improve the safety and standard of buildings by requiring that any member of the Scheme must:

These requirements are in accordance with the terms of a Developer Remediation Contract to be entered into between developers and the Secretary of State of the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

[edit] Eligibility for the scheme in brief

Initial focus on major housebuilders and other large developers who have developed or refurbished multiple residential buildings, that are known to have life-critical fire safety defects by virtue of having been assessed as eligible for a relevant government cladding remediation scheme. Over time, intention is to expand the Scheme to cover other developers who developed or refurbished defective residential buildings over 11 metres in height and should pay to fix them.

Developers will be eligible for the Scheme if they meet one or more of the following three sets of criteria, and they are not a Registered Provider of Social Housing (or a wholly owned subsidiary of one):

The ‘profits condition’ will be met by any developer whose average annual operating profit over a 3-year period (companiesfinancial years ending 2017, 2018, and 2019) was £10 million or higher. Certain exceptional items and unrealised value adjustments are excluded from consideration. The regulations set out the detail of the profits condition, including the required adjustments to the operating profits figures in accounts.

[edit] Conditions of membership in brief

A developer who is eligible for the Scheme may join and remain in it only if they meet these membership conditions:

For further information regarding applications to joining the Scheme, monitoring and enforcement of the scheme, planning and building control prohibition along with any exceptions please visit Responsible Actors Scheme: plain English guide on which this article is based. Further information on the regulations can also be found via the links below:

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