Last edited 08 May 2024

Competence Steering Group

The Competence Steering Group is an industry-led group established to develop proposals for oversight of competence and increased competence in key disciplines across design, construction, inspection, maintenance and management of buildings. It is a cross industry body backed by Government, the Industry Safety Steering Group and Dame Judith Hackett and representing more than 150 organisations.

Following the tragic Grenfell Tower fire, it became clear that change was needed. In August 2019, an interim report, 'Raising the Bar', was published by the CSG.

In October 2020, the final report, 'Setting the Bar: a new competence regime for building a safer future', was published. This provides a blueprint for improving the competence of those working on higher-risk buildings and driving culture change in the industry. It was produced by a cross-industry group.

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