Last edited 24 Jul 2024

Relevant liability

The term 'relevant liability' is referred to under the Building Safety Act, 2022, in part 5, section 130, in connection with information orders and building liability orders (BLOs), which require a party to provide specific information and allow damages to be extended beyond subsidiary companies or SPVs to associated companies.

For the purposes of building safety, relevant liability means a liability, that arises before or after commencement of the relevant section of the building safety act comes into force and that is incurred:

  1. Under the Defective Premises Act 1972 or section 38 of the Building Act 1984, or
  2. As a result of a building safety risk.

Such relevant liability and the associated building liability order can be brought against an associated company during what is referred to “the relevant period” which mean means the period that (a) starts with the beginning of carrying out the works in relation to which the relevant liability was incurred, and (b) ending with the making of the building liability order.

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