Timber species
[edit] Introduction
Timber refers to the material harvested from trees, often cut and prepared for use in construction (it is also referred to as lumber in the same context). Wood refers to the material that a tree produces, essentially the body of a tree.
A species is a group of living organisms that consists of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding, it is a natural taxonomic unit which ranks below genus and is denoted by a Latin binomial.
There are around 73,000 tree species globally, the number that are used to produce timber products is far less.
Here is a list of timber species organised by region, species and use, the list is neither definitive nor exhaustive but indicative.
[edit] UK / European Timber species
[edit] Alder
Alder wood (Alnus glutinosa) grown in the UK, and Europe, used for minor utility products, sometimes available as beams.
[edit] Apple
Apple wood (Malus spp; sylvestris, domestica and others ) grown in the UK, Europe, used for minor craft products and smoking.
[edit] Ash
Ash wood (Fraxinus spp; excelsior, ) grown in the UK, Europe and North America, used for Light coloured furniture, panelling, tool handles, sometimes available as flooring.
[edit] Beech
Beech (Fagus spp.and grandifolia) grown in the UK, Europe and North America, and traditionally used for furniture, flooring, musical instruments. Beech coppice was a common product from the UK Chiltern hills, also pollarded wood was turned to make chair legs by the bodgers, as a hard, strong wood that cannot withstand moisture for use inside.
[edit] Birch
Birch wood (Betula spp.) is grown in the UK, Europe and North America, used for general purpose timber, plywood.
[edit] Cherry, European
European cherry wood (Prunus spp.) is grown in the UK, Europe and North America, used for specialised crafted furniture and decorative work, musical instruments.
[edit] Chestnut, horse
Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) grown in the UK and Europe, used for minor goods, turnery and utensils, often available as beams.
[edit] Chestnut, sweet
Sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa.) grown in the UK and Europe, used for furniture, joinery, fencing, cladding, also available as beams.
[edit] Elm
Elm (Ulmus spp.) grown in the UK, Europe and North America, used for furniture, joinery, flooring, external cladding, available also as floorboards.
[edit] Fir, Douglas
Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga taxifolia P. menziesii.) A softwood grown in the UK and Europe (plantations) as well as North America, used for Plywood, structural work, sea defences, available as floorboards.
[edit] Fir, silver
Silver fir (Abies alba.) A softwood grown in the UK (plantations), used for building, joinery, packaging.
[edit] Hemlock, western
Western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla.) A softwood grown in the UK, Europe (plantations) and North America, used for in general for construction.
[edit] Holly
Holly (Ilex aquifolium.) grown in the UK and Europe, used for Craft work and inlays.
[edit] Hornbeam
Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus.) grown in the UK and Europe, used for minor items aswell as musical instruments.
[edit] Lime
lime wood (Tilia spp.) is grown in Europe. Brush backs, turnery, minor goods. Regularly available as antique carving.
[edit] Oak
Oak (Quercus spp.) grown in the UK, Europe and North America, used for a wide variety of applications, including joinery, furniture, fittings, flooring wood strip and woodblock flooring, often available as reclaimed beams from uk based indusries aswell as old floorboards.
[edit] Pine
Pine wood is a softwood there are various types, also known as Redwood (Pinus spp.) UK, Europe (commonly in plantations), North America. General utility work. Regularly available as beams, floorboards, wood strip, woodblock flooring.
[edit] Plane, European
European plane (Platanus hybrida.) grown in Europe, used gnerally as a veneer and in general purpose for handles.
[edit] Poplar
Poplar (Populus spp.) grown in UK and Europe. Matches, turnery, minor craft goods.
[edit] Sycamore
Sycamore, also known as European sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) used in cabinet-making, musical instruments, turnery and veneers.
[edit] Walnut
Walnut (Juglans spp.) grown in Europe and North America, used for furniture, joinery and gun butts, often used for antique panelling and veneered doors.
[edit] Willow
Willow (Salix spp.) grown in the UK and Europe. Traditionally used for cricket bats, basket work, toys and other items., depending on the growth of the stem and approach to coppicing. It is also used as s biomass fuel and can be grown as a short rotation coppice willow agricultural product.
[edit] Yew
Yew (Taxus baccata) grown in the UK and Europe, used traditionally as a decorative veneer.
[edit] African species
Abura (Mitragyna ciliata) West Africa. Interior joinery.
Acajou Cailcedrat - Africa
Acajou d'Afrique- Africa
Afara (Terminalia superba) Africa. Plywood, interior use.
Afrormosia- (Pericopsis elata). Africa. Furniture, joinery. Endangered species FotE.
Afzelia (Afzelia spp. A. Africana,A. bipindensis, A. pachylob). West Africa. Top quality exterior joinery. Species is vulnerable.
Agba (Gossweilerodendron balsamiferum). West Africa. Plywood, furniture. Endangered species FotE.
Aiel -Africa
Aiouko -South and Central America
Ako - More than one continent
Akossika- Africa
Alan- Asia and Oceania
Alep- Africa
Almon- Asia and Oceania
Alstonia (Alstonia spp.) Africa. Various, depending on density.
Andoung- (Monopetalanthus spp. M. durandii, M. compactus. M. heitzii ). Africa. Furniture, light construction, plywood, boxes and crates. Species vulnerable and nearly threatened.
Antiaris (Antiaris spp.) Africa. Veneer, plywood, furniture, joinery, boxes and crates, light construction.
Angueuk- Africa
Anigr- Africa
Asanfona (Aningeria spp.). Africa. Musical instruments, heavy construction, marine, furniture, flooring.
Avodir- Africa
Awoura- Africa
Ayan - (Distemonanthus benthamianus). Africa. Outdoor construction, marine construction, furniture, decorative veneers.
Ayous- Africa
Azob- Africa
Banga-Wanga- Africa
Berlinia, red (Berlinia spp. B. occidentalis). Africa. Heavy construction, furniture and cabinetwork, veneers, panelling.
Bete- Africa
Bilinga- Africa
Blackwood, African (Dalbergia melanoxylon). Africa. Musical instruments, craft products. Nearly threatened.
Bodioa- Africa
Bomanga- Africa
Boss (clair/fonc)- Africa
Bubinga Minor (Copaifera salikounda). West Africa. Veneer, furniture. Regularly available as woodblock flooring.
Canarium (Canarium schweinfurthii) Africa. Light construction, furniture, veneer, plywood.
Cedar, pencil -softwood (J. procera) East Africa. Specialist uses. Nearly threatened species.
Celtis (Celtis spp.) Africa. Furniture, cabinets, carving, veneer.
Congotali- Africa
Cordia D' afrique (Cordia millenii). Africa. Exterior cladding, furniture, joinery.
Cottonwood (Bombax spp.) Africa. Plywood, blockboard, boxes and crates, furniture.
Coula- Africa
Dabma- Africa
Dahoma (Piptadeniastrum africanum). Africa. Heavy construction, wharf decking, flooring.
Danta (Nesogordonia papaverifera). Africa. Furniture, turnery, flooring, tool handles. Vulnerable Species.
Denya (Cyclicodiscus gabunensis) Africa. External construction.
Diania / Ohia- Africa
Dibetou- Africa
Difou- Africa
Doussi- Africa
Ebiara- Africa
Ebne D'Afrique / African
Ebony (Diospyros spp.) Several species are endangered and vulnerable).Africa/Asia. Cutlery handles, musical instruments, craftwork. Regularly available as antique escutcheons, door knobs.
Ekaba- Africa
Ekki / Azobe / Kaku West (Lophira alata). Africa. Sea defences, sleepers. Occasionally available as woodblock flooring. Species is vulnerable.
Ekoune- Africa
Emien - Africa
Essessang- Africa
Essia- Africa
Etimo- Africa
Eveuss- Africa
Eyong- Africa
Eyoum- Africa
Faro - Africa
Framir – Africa
Fromager (Ceiba pentandra). Africa, South America. Veneer, weak packaging.
Fuma – Africa
Gheombi - Africa
Gombee/Gomb (Didelotia spp. D. idea, D. unifoliolate) Africa. Plywood, blockboard, veneers, particleboard, furniture, joinery.
Greenheart (Chlorocardium rodiei, Ocotea rodiaei) Central and West Africa Furniture and exterior work. Species is vulnerable.
Hyedua (Guibourtia ehie). West Africa. Interior construction, furniture, veneer, turnery. Species is vulnerable.
Idigbo / Emeri / Framire. (Terminalia ivorensis). West Africa. Joinery and outdoor work. Species in vulnerable.
Iatandza - Africa
Igaganga - Africa
Ilomba (Pycnanthus angolensis) Africa. General utility timber, furniture components, interior joinery, plywood.
Imbuja (Phoebe / Ocotea porosa) South America and Africa. Interior construction, furniture. Species in vulnerable.
Iroko (Milicia excelsa) Africa. Garden furniture, boatbuilding, flooring and joinery. Regularly available as wood strip and woodblock flooring. Species is nearly threatened.
Izombe (Testulea gabonensis) Africa. Turnery.
Kanda - Africa
Kekele - Africa
Kondroti - Africa
Kosipo / Omu (Entandrophragma candollei listed as vulnerable) Africa. Furniture, flooring.
Kotibe - Africa
Koto (Pterygota sppP. macrocarpa P. bequaertii listed as vulnerable) – Africa. Veneer, interior joinery, furniture.
Kokoti (Anopyxis klaineana listed as vulnerable) Africa. Underwater construction and piling.
Landa – Africa
Latandza (Albizia ferruginea is listed as vulnerable). Africa. Heavy construction, furniture, marine work, veneer.
Lati (Amphimas spp.) Africa. Interior joinery, veneer, mouldings.
Limbali (Gilbertiodendron spp. Several species listed as vulnerable) Africa. Construction (including marine), industrial flooring, panelling.
Limba- Africa
Longhi/Longui (Chrysophyllum Africana) Africa. General purpose timber.
Lotofa – Africa
Mahogany, African (Khaya ivorensis listed as vulnerable) West Africa. Utility and decorative work, indoors and outdoors, from boatbuilding to furniture and joinery. Regularly available as woodblock flooring.
Makore (Tieghemella heckelii listed as endangered) West Africa. Joinery and wood work subjected to tough environments.
Makarati (Burkea Africana) Africa. Flooring, furniture, joinery.
Mambod – Africa
Mansonia (Mansonia altissima listed as endangered). Africa. High class joinery and furniture.
Merbau (Intsia bijuga listed as vulnerable) Asia, Africa and Oceania. Top quality exterior joinery. Occasionally available as wood strip flooring.
Moabi - Africa
Movingui - Africa
Msasa – Africa
Muhimbi (Cynometra alexandri) Africa. Construction, turnery. Occasionally available as woodblock flooring.
Muhuhu (Brachylaena hutchinsii) East Africa. High quality flooring subject to heavy wear. Regularly available as wood strip and woodblock flooring.
Mukulungu – Africa
Muninga (Pterocarpus angolensis listed as nearly threatened) Africa. Panelling and joinery. Regularly available as wood strip and woodblock flooring.
Mutenye (Guibourtia arnoldiana) Africa. Turnery, flooring, furniture, veneer.
Naga - Africa
Niangon (Heritiera utilis listed as vulnerable) – Africa. Furniture.
Nieuk - Africa
Niove (Staudtia stipitate) Africa. Cabinetwork, joinery, decorative veneers, flooring, turnery.
Oboto – Africa
Odoko (Scottellia coriacea) Africa. Interior and exterior construction, furniture.
Ogea (Daniellia spp. D. klainei, D. oblonga) listed as near threatened and vulnerable) Africa
Plywood, joinery, furniture, veneer.
Okan - Africa
Okoume/Okoum (Aucoumea klaineana) Africa. Plywood.
Okwen (Brachystegia spp. B. kennedyi, B. zenkeri listed as vulnerable) Flooring, veneer, general construction, joinery.
Olon (Fagara heitzii) Africa. Interior construction, furniture, veneers.
Onzabili – Africa
Opepe / Kussia (Nauclea diderrichii listed as vulnerable) Africa. Outdoor construction, marine defence, sleepers, flooring. Occasionally available as beams, woodblock flooring.
Osanga - Africa
Ossabel - Africa
Ossoko - Africa
Ovoga -Africa
Ovngkol - Africa
Ozigo - Africa
Ozouga – Africa
Padauk wood, African also Padouk. (Pterocarpus spp. and P. indicus listed as vulnerable) India, Myanmar, West Africa. Joinery, flooring, boat-building. Regularly available as wood strip and woodblock flooring.
Panga Panga (Millettia stuhlmanii) Africa. Cabinet work, joinery, veneer, flooring, turnery. Regularly available as woodblock flooring, musical instruments.
Paleto Pao Rosa – Africa
Safukala - Africa
Sapele wood (Entandophragma cylindricum listed as vulnerable) Africa. Furniture, joinery, decorative applications.
Sepetir (Sindora spp. inermis, S. supa) South-east Asia. Furniture, veneer, light construction, household utensils, plywood, flooring.
Sipo – Africa
Sterculia, red (Sterculia rhinopetala) Africa. Light construction work, interior joinery, boxes and crates.
Tali (Erythrophleum spp.) Africa. Flooring, heavy construction.
Tchitola (Oxystigma oxyphyllum) Africa. General purpose timber, veneer, plywood.
Teak, Rhodesian (Baikiaea plurijuga listed as near threatened) Southern Africa. Exterior construction, flooring. Regularly available as wood strip and woodblock flooring.
Tiama / / Edinam / Cedu nohor (Entandrophragma angolense listed as vulnerable) Africa. Furniture, joinery, construction, flooring.
Tola – Africa
Utile / sipo (Entandophragma utile) West Africa. Furniture, fitments, joinery, construction. Regularly available as wood strip and woodblock flooring.
Varillio varillo Vene – Africa
Walnut, African /dibetou (Lovoa trichilioides listed as vulnerable) West and Central Africa Furniture and panelling.
Wawa / Samba / Obeche / Ayous (Triplochiton scleroxylon) Africa. Kitchen furniture, mouldings, hidden work, plywood.
Wengee (Millettia laurentii listed as endangered) Africa. Furniture, decorative veneers, speciality uses. Regularly available as woodblock flooring.
Zingana – Africa
[edit] North, South and Centra American species
Abarco - South and Central America
Amesclo- South and Central America
Andira- South and Central America
Andiroba- South and Central America. Turnery.
Angelim- South and Central America
Angelim Rajado- South and Central America
Angelim Vermelho- South and Central America
Araracanga- South and Central America
Aacu- South and Central America
Bacuri- South and Central America
Balsa (Ochroma lagopus) – Ecuador. Model making, insulation.
Basralocus (Dicornia guianensis)- South America. Marine and dock work.
Batibatra- South and Central America
Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia). Europe, America. Poles, agricultural implements, furniture.
Caimito (Pouteria spp.). South America. Light construction, furniture, cabinet work. Several species are threatened.
Cambara -South and Central America
Canalete- South and Central America
Cardeiro- South and Central America
Castanheiro- South and Central America
Catucam- South and Central America
Cedar, American/Cedro (Cedrela spp. C. odorata, C. fissilis, C. lilloi)- South and Central America. Cabinet making, boatbuilding, light construction. Some species endangered or vulnerable.
Cedar, pencil -softwood (Juniperus virginiana) North America. Specialist uses. Nearly threatened species.
Cedar, western red, softwood. (Thuja plicata) North America. Exterior use, cladding some UK plantations. Regularly available as beams.
Cerejeira- South and Central America
Chechen- South and Central America
Chicha- South and Central America
Chontaquiro (Diplotropis martiussi). South America. Outdoor and marine construction.
Coigue (Nothofagus dombeyi) South America. Furniture, joinery, mouldings, turnery.
Copaiba- South and Central America
Couroupita- South and Central America
Cumaru- South and Central America
Cupiuba- South and Central America
Curupay / Curapixa (Anadenanthera macrocarpa)- South America. Heavy construction, flooring, turnery.
Elm (Ulmus spp.) UK, Europe, North America. Furniture, joinery, flooring, external cladding. Regularly available as floorboards.
Fir, Douglas (softwood) Pseudotsuga taxifolia P. menziesii. UK, Europe (plantations) North America Plywood, structural work, sea defences. Regularly available as floorboards.
Fava Amargosa - South and Central America
Faveira- South and Central America
Freijo (Cordia goeldiana)- South America. Joinery, veneer, construction.
Fromager (Ceiba pentandra). Africa, South America. Veneer, weak packaging.
Garapa- South and Central America
Goiabao - South and Central America
Gommier - South and Central America
Greenheart - South and Central America
Guariuba - South and Central America
Guatamb - South and Central America
Hemlock, western (softwood) Tsuga heterophylla. UK, Europe (plantations) North America. Construction.
Hickory (Carya spp.) North America. Sports goods, tool handles, drum sticks.
Imbuja (Phoebe / Ocotea porosa) South America and Africa. Interior construction, furniture. Species in vulnerable.
Inga - South and Central America
Ipe Peroba/ Ipe de Campos (Paratecoma peroba)- South America. Furniture, interior joinery, decking, flooring, vats and tanks, veneers.
Itaba - South and Central America
Jacareuba (Calophyllum spp.) South America. General purpose timber, musical instruments.
Jatob - South and Central America
Jequitiba (Cariniana spp.) South America. Construction, furniture.
Jutahy - South and Central America
Jcaro - South and Central America
Kuroka - South and Central America
Laurel (Chilean Laurelia aromatica) South America. Veneer.
Lignum vitae (Guaiacum spp. G. officinale G. sanctum species is listed as endangered) Central and South America. Special bearings, tools, sports goods.
Louro, Branco, Vermelho, also Greenheart. (Ocotea spp. Several species listed as vulnerable) South and Central America. Marine structures, heavy duty work.
Macacauba - South and Central America
Macucu De Paca - South and Central America
Mahogany, Brazilian (Swietenia macrophylla listed as vulnerable) - South and Central America. Joinery, high quality furniture, plywood. Regularly available as woodblock flooring, occasionally as beams.
Maple (Acer spp.) North America. Flooring, musical instruments. Regularly available as wood strip or woodblock flooring.
Mandioqueira - South and Central America
Manniballi - South and Central America
Manwood - South and Central America
Marupa - South and Central America
Mashonate / Guariuba (Clarisia racemosa) South America. Construction, furniture, mouldings, flooring, turnery.
Maaranduba - South and Central America
Melancieira - South and Central America
Mora (Mora spp.) South America. Industrial flooring, marine and heavy construction.
Morototo - South and Central America
Muiracatiara - South and Central America
Muirapiranga - South and Central America
Muiratinga - South and Central America
Oak (Quercus spp.) UK, Europe, North America. Wide variety of applications, including joinery, furniture, fittings, flooring wood strip and woodblock flooring. Regularly available as reclaimed beams, floorboards.
Pau Marfim (Balfourodendron riedelianum listed as endangered ) Brazil. Furniture making, flooring, construction, turnery.
Pilon - South and Central America
Pin Des Caraibes - South and Central America
Panacoco - South and Central America
Parapar - South and Central America
Pau Amarelo - South and Central America
Pau Roxo - South and Central America
Pepenance Pin De Parana - South and Central America
Peroba Rosa (Aspidosperma spp. A. polyneuron listed as endangered) South America. Fine furniture, veneer, cabinet work, flooring, interior trim and turning.
Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) North America. Decorative ware, musical instruments, turnery.
Pine (softwood) various and types, also known as Redwood (Pinus spp.) UK, Europe (commonly in plantations), North America. General utility work. Regularly available as beams, floorboards, wood strip, woodblock flooring.
Pine, Parana, softwood. (Araucaria angustifolia listed as vulnerable) Brazil (some plantations) Joinery, plywood.
Pitch Pine, softwood (Pinus spp.) Southern USA, Brazil (plantations) Construction, plywood.
Pinus Patula - South and Central America
Piquiarana / Piquia - South and Central America
Purpleheart (Peltogyne spp.) Central and South America. Heavy construction work, decorative purposes. Occasionally available as beams.
Quaruba (Vochysia spp.) South and Central America. Carpentry, utility plywood, furniture components, interior trim, millwork.
Rauli (Nothofagus procera) South America. Furniture, joinery, mouldings, turnery.
Rosewood (Dalbergia spp. D. nigra Various species vulnerable) Africa, South America, India. Furniture, musical instruments.
Sand - South and Central America
Sapucaia- South and Central America
Sequioa, red (Sequioa sempervirens) North America. Joinery.
Spruce, soft or whitewood (Picea spp.) UK, Europe (commonly in plantations), North America. General purpose timber. Regularly available as beams, floorboards, wood strip and woodblock flooring.
Sucupira Preta - South and Central America
Tachi - South and Central America
Tamboril - South and Central America
Tanimbuca - South and Central America
Tatajuba (Bagassa guianensis) South and Central America. Furniture, flooring, joinery, heavy construction.
Tauari - South and Central America
Tento - South and Central America
Timborana - South and Central America
Tornillo (Cedrelingua cataeneformis) South and Central America. General furniture construction.
Tulipwood / American poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) North America Mouldings, drumsticks.
Uchy - South and Central America
Ucuuba vermelha - South and Central America
Virola (Virola spp. V. surinamensis listed as endangered) South America. Plywood, mouldings, interior joinery.
Wacapou / Acapu - South and Central America
Wallaba (Eperua falcata)- South and Central America. Heavy construction, poles, industrial flooring.
Walnut Juglans spp. Europe, North America Furniture, joinery, gun butts. Regularly available as antique panelling and veneered doors.
[edit] Asia and Oceania
Acacia - Asia and Oceania
Balau Red/ Yellow, Balau / Selangan batu /bangkirai.( Shorea spp.)- Asia and Oceania. Many species are critically endangered and vulnerable. Heavy duty construction work.
Bintangor (Calophyllum spp.) South Easy Asia. General purpose timber, musical instruments. Some species are threatened.
Binuang (Octomeles sumatrana) South-east Asia. Plywood, light construction, furniture components, cabinetwork.
Bungur- Asia and Oceania.
Chengal- Asia and Oceania
Dafo (Terminalia brassii). South-east Asia. Veneer, furniture, cabinet work, joinery.
Duabanga- Asia and Oceania
Durian (Durio spp.) South-east Asia. Furniture, veneer, plywood, light construction. Several species are vulnerable
Ebony (Diospyros spp.) Several species are endangered and vulnerable).Africa/Asia. Cutlery handles, musical instruments, craftwork. Regularly available as antique escutcheons, door knobs.
Geronggang - Asia and Oceania
Gerutu - Asia and Oceania
Gmelina (Gmelina arborea). Native to South Asia, timber is from tropical plantations Light construction, packaging, furniture.
Haldu - Asia and Oceania
Hevea - More than one continent
Jarana Jarrah - Asia and Oceania
Jelutong (Dyera costulata) – South-East Asia. Interior work, crafts, pattern making.
Kamarere - Asia and Oceania
Kapur (Dryobalanops spp. D.aromatica is critical and some other species endangered) South-east Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia) Exterior joinery and construction.
Karri - Asia and Oceania
Kasai - Asia and Oceania
Kauri - Asia and Oceania
Kedondong - Asia and Oceania
Kauvula (Endospermum medullosum) South-east Asia, Furniture parts, minor items.
Kempas uses (Koompassia malaccensis) South-east Asia. Heavy construction.
Keruing / Yang / Curjun (Dipterocarpus spp. Many species are critical or endangered) Indonesia, Malaysia. Strength applications in hidden work in furniture, building, and transport decking, plywood. Regularly available as flooring.
Kelat - Asia and Oceania
Keledang - Asia and Oceania
Kembang Semangkok - Asia and Oceania
Kempas - Asia and Oceania
Keruing - Asia and Oceania
Lauan Red - Asia and Oceania
Mango - Asia and Oceania
Manil - More than one continent
Mayapis - Asia and Oceania
Medang (Litsea spp. L. leytensis listed as vulnerable) South-east Asia. Joinery, carving, furniture, light construction, veneer.
Merbau (Intsia bijuga listed as vulnerable) Asia, Africa and Oceania. Top quality exterior joinery. Occasionally available as wood strip flooring.
Mengkulang (Heriteria spp) - Asia and Oceania. Interior joinery.
Meranti / Seraya and Lauan Red, Yellow and White (Shorea spp. Many species listed as Critical, endangered or vulnerable) All types of joinery, framing, doors and fittings. Also used in plywood. Regularly available as woodblock and wood strip flooring, occasionally as beams.
Mersawa (Anisoptera spp. Many species critical or endangered) South-east Asia. Light construction, furniture, plywood, veneer, marine construction.
Merbau (Intsia bijuga listed as vulnerable) Asia, Africa and Oceania. Top quality exterior joinery. Occasionally available as wood strip flooring.
Mersawa - Asia and Oceania
Nyatoh (Palaquium spp. Several species listed as vulnerable) – South-east Asia. Exterior construction, fine furniture, veneer, musical instruments.
Padauk Amboina - Asia and Oceania
Pinus Kesiya - Asia and Oceania
Pinus Merkusii - Asia and Oceania
Pulai - Asia and Oceania
Punah - Asia and Oceania
Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus is listed as vulnerable) – Asia. Mouldings.
Rubberwood. (Hevea brasiliensis) Malaysia (plantations). Furniture.
Sellion Sesendok - Asia and Oceania
Simpoh (Dillenia spp. Several species listed as vulbnerable) South-east Asia. Plywood, interior joinery, furniture and cabinetwork.
Sonokeling - Asia and Oceania
Swamp sepetir (Pseudosindora palustris) South-east Asia. Furniture, cabinetwork, joinery, flooring, plywood, veneers.
Taun (Pometia pinnata) South-east Asia General purpose timber.
Teck / Teak (Tectona grandis) Asia and Oceania. High quality furniture, joinery, garden furniture. Regularly available as wood strip and woodblock flooring, occasionally as beams.
Terentang (Campnosperma brevipetiolata) South-east Asia. Light general purposes.
Vitex Minor (Vitex confassus) South-east Asia. Boxes and crates, utility furniture, joinery.
White Seraya - Asia and Oceania
Yemane - Asia and Oceania
Walnut, Australian (Endiandra palmerstonii) Queensland Australia Furniture, interior joinery and construction, veneers.
[edit] Australia
Black bean (Castanospermum australe). Australia. Furniture, cabinetwork, joinery.
Blue gum (Eucalyptus saligna). Australia. General purpose timber, also used for paper. Occasionally available as wood strip flooring.
Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginate). Australia. Outdoor construction, flooring, decking, sleepers. Regularly available as wood strip and woodblock flooring, occasionally as beams.
Karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor) Australia. Heavy duty outdoor construction, sleepers. Regularly available as wood strip and woodblock flooring, occasionally as beams.
Oak, Tasmanian (Eucalyptus delegatensis) Australia. General purpose timber, flooring.
[edit] External References
[edit] Related articles on Designing Buildings
- Bamboo.
- Birch.
- Cane.
- Cedar.
- Cherry.
- Cross-laminated timber.
- Engineered bamboo.
- Glulam.
- Green timber.
- Hardwood.
- Laminated strand lumber LSL.
- Laminated veneer lumber LVL.
- Lime.
- Modified wood.
- Mahogany.
- Oak.
- Oriented strand board.
- Padauk wood.
- Pine.
- Plywood.
- Sapele wood.
- Softwood.
- Sycamore.
- Sweet chestnut
- Tulipwood.
- Types of timber
- Types of rapidly renewable content.
- Unwrot timber / sawn timber.
- Urban treescape.
- Walnut.
- Wood ash.
- Wrot timber (wrought timber / dressed timber / finished timber / planed timber)
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600 million for 60,000 more skilled construction workers
Announced by Treasury ahead of the Spring Statement.
The restoration of the novelist’s birthplace in Eastwood.
Life Critical Fire Safety External Wall System LCFS EWS
Breaking down what is meant by this now often used term.
PAC report on the Remediation of Dangerous Cladding
Recommendations on workforce, transparency, support, insurance, funding, fraud and mismanagement.
New towns, expanded settlements and housing delivery
Modular inquiry asks if new towns and expanded settlements are an effective means of delivering housing.
Building Engineering Business Survey Q1 2025
Survey shows growth remains flat as skill shortages and volatile pricing persist.
Construction contract awards remain buoyant
Infrastructure up but residential struggles.
Home builders call for suspension of Building Safety Levy
HBF with over 100 home builders write to the Chancellor.
CIOB Apprentice of the Year 2024/2025
CIOB names James Monk a quantity surveyor from Cambridge as the winner.
Warm Homes Plan and existing energy bill support policies
Breaking down what existing policies are and what they do.
Treasury responds to sector submission on Warm Homes
Trade associations call on Government to make good on manifesto pledge for the upgrading of 5 million homes.
A tour through Robotic Installation Systems for Elevators, Innovation Labs, MetaCore and PORT tech.
A dynamic brand built for impact stitched into BSRIA’s building fabric.
BS 9991:2024 and the recently published CLC advisory note
Fire safety in the design, management and use of residential buildings. Code of practice.
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