Last edited 08 May 2024

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BRE Group Researcher Website

The role of codes, standards and approvals in delivering fire safety

BRE (The Building Research Establishment) is an independent, research-based consultancy, testing and training organisation, operating in the built environment and associated industries.

BRE’s Information Paper, The role of codes, standards and approvals in delivering fire safety (IP 5/16) was written by Sarah Colwell and published by IHS on 7 September 2016.

The role of codes standards and approvals in delivering fire safety.jpg

New and emerging markets bring with them an increasing need to demonstrate compliance with a wide range of codes and standards, and this has the potential to cause confusion between the performance of products when tested and the evidence needed to meet different local requirements.

Traditionally, there have been two types of safety requirements relevant to fire suppression products:

This Information Paper:

It is aimed at specifiers, designers, regulators and manufacturers.

Its contents include:

--BRE Group

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