Last edited 05 Sep 2024

Personal emergency evacuation plan

On September 4, 2024 Prime Minister Kier Starmer, in his statement in response to the publication of the Grenfell Phase 2 final report, referred to a "Residential Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan policy" and 'For anyone whose ability to evacuate could be compromised. And funding this for those renting in social housing."

Volume 7, Part 14. Chapter 113 of the Grenfell Inquiry Phase 2 report; recommendations for vulnerable people it is stated: 'We conclude our recommendations by looking back to Phase 1. In the Phase 1 report the chairman recommended that the owner and manager of every high-rise residential building be required by law to prepare personal emergency evacuation plans (PEEPs) for all residents whose ability to evacuate the building without assistance may be compromised (such as persons with reduced mobility or impaired cognition) and to include current information about them and their associated PEEPs in a premises information box (113.79)."

In August, 2022 the government published its consultation outcome 'Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans in high-rise residential buildings: Equality Impact Assessment (accessible version)' this describes the purpose of a PEEP as 'to provide people who would have difficulty self-evacuating in the event of a fire with a tailored evacuation plan in case they need to do so in a fire emergency. The aim of the PEEP is for residents and those responsible for the management of fire safety in the building (the Responsible Person or RP) to think through the available options and consider how that resident can evacuate safely in light of fire safety information and the existing fire strategy for that building'.

PAS 6463:2022, Design for the mind – Neurodiversity and the built environment – Guide, published by BSI Standards Limited 2022, defines a personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEP) as a plan: ‘developed to document facilitation, support or assistance arrangements for an individual or anticipated condition in an emergency evacuation.’

Volume 4, Section 12 (evacuation) of the Grenfell Inquiry Phase 1 report, published October 2019, states in paragraph 33.22 : 'There were no plans in place for evacuating Grenfell Tower should the need arise. I therefore recommend:'

Recommendation sections e and f (33.22) refer to personal emergency evacuation plans (PEEPs) thus:

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