Last edited 08 May 2024

Fire safety information

Regulation 38 of the Building Regulations 2010 requires that where building works consist of, or include, the erection or extension of a relevant building; or they are carried out in connection with a relevant change of use, the persons carrying our building works must give fire safety information to the responsible person not later than the date of completion of the work, or the date of occupation of the building or extension, whichever is the earlier.

A 'relevant building' is a building to which the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 applies, or will apply after the completion of building work.

A 'relevant change of use' is a material change of use where, after the change of use takes place, the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 will apply, or continue to apply, to the building.

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 defines the responsible person as:

  1. The person who has control of the premises (as occupier or otherwise) in connection with the carrying on by him of a trade, business or other undertaking (for profit or not); or
  2. The owner, where the person in control of the premises does not have control in connection with the carrying on by that person of a trade, business or other undertaking.

Fire safety information refers to ‘…information relating to the design and construction of the building or extension, and the services, fittings and equipment provided in or in connection with the building or extension which will assist the responsible person to operate and maintain the building or extension with reasonable safety.'

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