Last edited 03 Jul 2024

Golden thread index

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This article provides an index of key articles about the golden thread, with regards to building information in particular building safety. For more detail about the golden thread, a full definition and related articles, see our main golden thread of building information article.

The term golden thread has previously used in relation to the Soft Landings framework, post occupancy evaluation and building performance evaluation referring to a chronological set of information, often building performance related, running throughout the design process through to completion and as part of building handover process.

More directly in relation to building safety, the term golden thread first appeared in the interim report into the Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety which was published in December 2017. In the report Dame Judith Hackitt said following the Grenfell Tower Fire: “There needs to be a golden thread for all complex and high-risk building projects so that the original design intent is preserved and recorded, and…any changes go through a formal review process involving people who are competent and who understand the key features of the design."

This was further iterated in Final Report Building a Safer Future, Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety published in May 2018, with a focus on higher risk residential buildings (HRRBs). In the final government response to the ‘Building a Safer Futureconsultation

The Government response to the ‘Building a Safer Futureconsultation was A reformed building safety regulatory system published by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government in in April 2020 it states:

"Duty-holders will be responsible for creating and maintaining the golden thread of building information related to fire and structural safety. The golden thread will be held digitally to ensure that the original design intent and any subsequent changes to the building are captured, preserved and used to support safety improvements. At the handover stage between Gateway three and occupation, key information (the golden thread) will have to be handed over from the Client to the Accountable Person - both will need to confirm that this has happened. The Accountable Person will continue to be responsible for the golden thread and ensuring the information remains accurate and up to date."

The concept of the golden thread has become a key element to the significant changes that have been brought about by the Building Safety Act and its supporting regulations.

Key articles relating to the golden thread of building information on this site include:

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