Last edited 18 Jun 2024

Discover and contribute to our specialist wiki microsites

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Designing Buildings includes 5 microsites, these are mini wikis that focus on specialist subjects. They have been created with our partners to provide easy access to curated knowledge about particular aspects of the built environment. Follow the links below to find out more.

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Conservation Wiki is the microsite of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC), the professional body for building conservation practitioners and historic environment experts. With services and practice standards focussed on professionalism and continuing professional development (CPD) the IHBC provides resources for members as well as the wider public.

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BIM Wiki is a partnership with Cohesive, and distributes knowledge and spread awareness to BIM newcomers as well as more experienced users. On these pages you will find all you need to know about BIM, including content written and edited by industry experts.

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People Wiki is a hub for equity, diversity and inclusion, in partnership with Building People, bringing together fragmented industry resources with a focus on skills and careers and social value.

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AONB Wiki is a partnership with Surrey Hills AONB, a centralised library of guidance and best practice created not only by the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Board but also by users and other key stakeholders. There are 34 Areas AONB's in England, covering 15% of the land area, and a further 4 in Wales and 8 in Northern Ireland.

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Circular Economy Wiki is a centralised platform containing guidance, definitions and examples for implementing circular economy practices in construction. Key focus areas include data collection, analysis and sharing of resources, reuse and recycling of building materials, transformation and refurbishment, design for disassembly, flexible and circular construction in policy.

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