Last edited 12 Jan 2023


In relation to construction, the word 'transformation' is generally used as An umbrella term for various kinds of comprehensive adaptation and refurbishment activities. From a functional perspective the term usually indicates a notable change in the use of a building, either through change of function(s) or significant alterations to the current function(s) via e.g. spatial rearrangements. In addition, the term may be applied to actions that do not directly affect the use of the building but otherwise majorly alter e.g. its appearance or technical performance, such as thorough façade renovation.

Functional Standards Common Glossary, published by the Cabinet Office, defines transformation as: ‘A distinct change to the way an organisation conducts all or part of its business.’

Applied digital documentation In the historic environment, published on 19 March 2018 by Historic Scotland, defines transformation as: ‘A mathematical operation to convert a dataset between coordinate systems.’

Glossary: Resilience, published by the Department for International Development in 2016, suggests that transformation: ‘pertains to the holistic and fundamental ways in which people’s capacity to adapt to, anticipate and absorb shocks can be built, reshaped and enhanced.’

It defines transformative capacity as: ‘the ability to create an enabling environment through investment in good governance, infrastructure, formal and informal social protection mechanisms, basic service delivery and policies/regulations that constitute the conditions necessary for systemic change.’

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