Last edited 08 May 2024

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BSRIA Institute / association Website

Raising the Bar Interim Report

Raising the bar interim report b outline 290.jpg

An interim report on higher risk residential buildings (HRRBs) containing a radical wide-ranging set of measures has been released by the Competence Steering Group (CSG), a cross industry body backed by Government, the Industry Safety Steering Group and Dame Judith Hackett for consultation.

Following the tragic events of Grenfell, it became all too apparent that change was required with the construction industry. In this interim reportRaising the Bar’, the CSG is calling for all lifesafety critical disciplines working on HRRBs, including designers, engineers, building standards officers, site supervisors, fire safety supervisors, fire safety enforcement officers and fire risk officials to adopt the measures.

Following Dame Judith Hackett’s original review, Building a Safer Future, which raised concerns over the lack of consistency and rigour in the processes and standards for assuring the skills, knowledge and behaviours of those working on HRRBs, the CSG and its working groups have developed competence frameworks setting out the appropriate knowledge, qualifications, and skill sets required for individuals working on HRRBs, how they should be assessed and by whom.

In addition, Raising the Bar calls for:

The Raising the Bar Interim Report, Executive Summary and accompanying Annexes can be downloaded from the Construction Industry Council website.

On 5 October 2020, the Competence Steering Group released its final report, Setting the Bar, which includes recommendations designed to produce a new competence regime for construction safety.


This article was originally published by BSRIA as Proposals to improve industry competence and deliver safer buildings in August 2019.


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