Last edited 17 Sep 2024

MHCLG demolition and retrofit survey to inform future updates to national planning policy.

Demolition ball questionnaire lnscpe.jpg

Demolition and Retrofit in National Planning Policy Research Survey for MHCLG to understand whether Government should update national planning policy and guidance in the future, regarding demolition, redevelopment and retrofit. It is quick and easy to complete, only take around 10-15 minutes. The results will help to improve understanding of the types of policy intervention that could be needed in national planning policy and guidance. Participation is voluntary and confidential, with a right to withdraw at any time. All data will be used in an anonymised format.

If you are interested to help please complete the survey which can be accessed online here before 31 October 2024.

The Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) wants to understand the perspective of important stakeholders about whether Government should update national planning policy and guidance in the future, regarding the demolition and redevelopment or retrofit of buildings.

MHCLG is looking to engage with a cross section of stakeholders, experts and business sectors through a quantitative survey. We’d like individuals to tell us their perspective on demolition and retrofit in national planning policy and guidance, and whether they think changes are needed.

This is the chance to have a say about this important topic. The survey will cover topics including perceptions towards local and national planning policy, the factors that influence decision-making in planning, and potential changes to national planning policy and guidance.

The survey is being conducted by Verian on behalf of MHCLG. The survey ony needs to be complete once, incase access to the research survey has also been gaiined via another distribution channel. More information about Verian surveys and what they do with the information collected can be found in their Privacy Notice, which is here:

The survey is quick and easy to complete:

The survey can be accessed online via this link:

If you have difficulty taking part online or have any questions about the research, please contact Verian via [email protected].

We very much hope that industry professional and interested parties will be able to take part in this important research. Thank you in advance for assisting in this initiative.

This article was issued via an open letter in second person form as "Demolition and Retrofit in National Planning PolicyResearch Survey for MHCLG" signed by Claire Stewart, Chief Planners Directorate, Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government. It has been edited into the third person by the editor.

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