Last edited 08 May 2024

Chief inspector of buildings

On 20 January 2020, the government announced a package for reforms to improve building safety standards, described as: ‘the biggest change in building safety for a generation’.

The changes follow the Grenfell Tower fire, and include:

For more information see: Reform of building safety standards.

In an address to parliament explaining the reforms, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, Robert Jenrick also announced the recruitment of the first national chief inspector of buildings:

“…we will begin immediately to establish the new building safety regulator. This new regulator will be established within the Health and Safety Executive, which is an experienced regulator and is committed to introducing the new regulatory regime at pace. Ahead of legislation, the regulator will initially be in shadow form, and I am pleased to announce that Dame Judith Hackitt will chair a board to oversee the transition to this new regime. I expect the shadow regulator to be established within weeks, and we will be recruiting the first national chief inspector of buildings.”


On 16 February 2021, the HSE announced that its director of building safety and construction, Peter Baker, would run the Building Safety Regulator as 'chief inspector of buildings'. Peter said: “I am honoured to be appointed as the first Chief Inspector of Buildings and for the opportunity to play a lead role in bringing about the biggest change in building safety for a generation. I look forward to working with government, industry, partner regulators and residents to shape and deliver a world-class risk-based regulatory system for the safety and standards of buildings that residents can have confidence in and that we can all be proud of.” Ref

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