Last edited 13 Apr 2021

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Institute of Historic Building Conservation Institute / association Website

HEF and HE publish Heritage Recovery Plan




[edit] Introduction

England’s Historic Environment Forum (HEF) and Historic England (HE) have prepared a Heritage Recovery Plan that looks beyond April 2021 and the easing of pandemic lockdown rules.

[edit] Plan overview

In the Heritage Recovery Plan, HEF/HE write: The structure of this plan is based on the Tourism Recovery Plan, adapted only as necessary, to reflect the varied nature of heritage activity. It covers four themes, two of which (Re-opening and Resilience) are divided into two overlapping phases of urgency:

  • Immediate and short term – in effect until March 2022.
  • Medium and long term – from September 2021 until November 2024.

It also distinguishes between what the sector can do for itself and where Government intervention is required.

Theme Description
Re-opening Urgent action required to enable heritage attractions, businesses and activity to re-open/re-start safely and sustainably.
Resilience Support needed to ensure the sector returns to a sustainable state of operation.
Skills Necessary interventions to safeguard existing and replace lost sector skills.
Return to growth Additional measures designed to ensure heritage can play its part in the country’s recovery from the pandemic.

[edit] Objective of the plan

The Plan sets out how the heritage sector, with support from the Government, can get back on its feet and play a full part in helping the country recover from the social and economic damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Plan is written for three audiences:

This plan for the recovery of the Heritage Sector in England covers both “Heritage People” and “Heritage Assets".

This article originally appeared under the headline, 'HEF-HE Heritage Recovery Plan launched' on the IHBC NewsBlog. It was written by Joanna Theobald and published on 19 March 2021.

--Institute of Historic Building Conservation

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