Last edited 07 May 2024

BS 9999:2017

BS 9999:2017 Fire safety in the design, management and use of buildings - code of practice (Incorporating corrigendum No. 1) provides general recommendations and guidance for the design, management and use of buildings, ensuring effective fire protection for all people in and around buildings.

Applicable to new buildings and to alterations, extensions and changes of use of an existing building. Covers the entire life cycle of a building, using a risk assessment approach and risk profiles. looking at means of escape and evacuation strategy, access and fire-fighting facilities, building structure including load and non-load bearing elements and special risk protection.

First published by the British Standards Institution in October 2008 (BS 9999:2008), second current edition, January 2017 (BS 9999:2017). Amended as C1 in February 2017, correction to Table 24 (BS 9999:2017 C1). Effect from January 31 2017.

The British Standards Institution (BSI) is the UK National Standards Body (NSB). It publishes standards and provides a range of books, self-assessment tools, conferences and training services. It also represents UK economic and social interests in European and international standards organisations.

British Standard (BS) publications are technical specifications or practices that can be used as guidance for the production of a product, carrying out a process or providing a service.

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