Last edited 17 May 2024

Construction Products Association CPA

The Construction Products Association (CPA) was launched on 1 March 2000 following the merger of the National Council of Building Materials Producers and the Association of Construction Products and Suppliers.

Its then president and TARMAC group chief executive, Roy Harrison, said, 'The CPA has been formed to act as the focal point for government consultation and its objectives include informing and empowering its membership, complementing the work of sector trade bodies and exerting influence at regional, national and international levels.'

The CPA now describes itself as, ‘...a single voice to promote and campaign for construction product manufacturers and suppliers in the UK.’ It represent UK’s manufacturers and distributors of construction products and materials and represents 85% of the industry by value.

Members can be companies, trade associations, affiliate members or associates.

The CPA operates through a series of committees and forums. It suggests that, ‘Our aim is to develop credible, practical solutions which are fact and evidence-based, advancing our membersinterests by advocating the construction products industry’s key role in enabling a sustainable built environment and a strong, balanced UK economy’.

Its activities include:

Along with the Construction Industry Council (CIC), it owns Construction Umbrella Bodies (Holdings) Ltd, which in turn owns Considerate Constructors Scheme Ltd, operator of the Considerate Constructors Scheme which is intended to improve the image of the construction industry. Construction sites, companies and suppliers can register with the scheme and must then abide by a Code of Considerate Practice

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