Last edited 14 May 2024

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CIAT Website

AT Building Safety Hub

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CIAT AT Building Safety Hub, promoting the importance of building and fire safety.

The Building Safety Act is a culmination of the activities that have taken place since the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017. CIAT believes it is critical that Industry works together to raise competence across the board and instil integrity and responsibility across teams working together to construct, develop and maintain structures.

The Institute continues to work with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and other key stakeholders to promote the importance of building and fire safety.

The Building Safety Act and its impact on our members and affiliates in each of the four home nations is ongoing, and you will be able to follow the Institute's activity on this together with that of the relevant home nation governments by visiting their online hub via this link of via the images below below.

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This article is appears on the CIAT resources page as "AT Building Safety Hub" as of December 2023.


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