Last edited 14 May 2021

IHBC Annual School 2021




[edit] Introduction

The Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) Annual School 2021 is based on the theme 'Historic Places - People Places'. It is scheduled for 17-18 June 2021 and will include virtual learning in the form of webinars, and the Brighton School Heritage MarketPlace.

[edit] 17 June 2021 - Brighton focus

The virtual option on 17 June 2021 features a suite of webinars that cover practice-related aspects of the theme. In addition to an examination of heritage, retrofit, asset and resource management and other key topics, the online portion of the programme will feature an examination of Brighton and the South East. This will serve as the focus for more practical studies, informed by lessons from across the UK and beyond.

The virtual sessions will be offered live to registered delegates, and some of the programme will also be available for review after the live event has concluded.

[edit] 18 June 2021 - UK focus

The two 2021 Brighton Day School webinar sessions will span overlooked but critical stages of conservation, offering opinions and answers on topics informed by global practice, but with a strong UK focus. The day’s activities include morning and afternoon sessions that will continue to examine the theme of Historic Places - People Places. David McDonald, IHBC Chair and interlocutor Rosemarie McQueen, Historic England Commissioner will oversee the proceedings.

[edit] Morning session

The morning session will look at tools and strategies used to improve places. Particular emphasis will be placed on design, regeneration and investment.

Globally respected urbanist Jan Gehl will serve as international session anchor as he opens the morning session on design. This will be followed by Paul McTernan’s examination of regeneration. The morning will conclude with a session by Eilish McGuinness on investment.

[edit] Afternoon session

The afternoon learning opportunities will examine the subject of change. The programme will explore the lessons that can be learned as people engage in changing places.

Leading US heritage economist Donovan Rypkema will be the international anchor as he opens the afternoon session on economics. This will be followed by Charles O’Brien’s discussion on investigation. The afternoon will conclude with Elizabeth McCrone’s exploration of regulation.

[edit] Heritage MarketPlace

The Brighton School Heritage MarketPlace will be designed to capture the diversity and extend the scope of a traditional IHBC School exhibition floor. Stalls will open virtually to school delegates on 18 June 2021 from 12.00-13.00 (BST) and 14.00-15.00 (BST).

This learning-led opportunity will allow delegates to explore practice, services and advocacy to suit their own personal and specialist priorities. Stalls will offer four 30-minute sessions that incorporate specific learning and networking opportunities. Stalls are broken down into three zones to help delegates plan their attendance more efficiently.

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