Construction and the Built Environment Magazines Journals and Articles
A page listing online journals, magazines, and other regular publications. To help develop this page, click 'Edit this article'.
AEC Magazine (Ad supported, registration required).
Architect Projects (AP)
Architects Datafile (ADF). Yudu and Pdf available.
Architects Journal (AJ). Mobile Site. RSS. Issuu. (Paywall) Published by EMAP. Weekly.
Architectural Ironmongery Journal
AT. CIAT - Architectural Technolgy.
Building. Mobile Site. RSS. (Paywall) Published by UBM. Weekly.Building Design (bdonline). Published by UBM. (Paywall)
Builing Design and Construction.
Built Environment Jounal - (Paywall)
Concrete magazine. Concrete Society.
Concrete Quarterly online magazine - and their archive going back to 1947 here.
Construction Enquirer. (Free, advertising heavy, worthwhile daily news emailed at 8.30am)
Construction Manager. Mobile Site. RSS. (Free online) Published by CIOB. Monthly.
Construction News. Mobile Site. RSS. (Paywall) Published by EMAP. Weekly.
Construction Research and Innovation (CRI). Published by CIOB.
Context. IHBC conservation magazine.
ECA Today. Electrotechnical engineering.
i-build. free
NATM. civil engineering journal, free online, uses flash so pc/mac only.
New Civil Engineer. (Paywall)
Offsite Hub - Free online, annual fee for print version.
Patterns. Buro Happld in-house technical journal published consisting of 16 editions and 2 special issues published between 1987 and 2011.
Property Week. Mobile Site. RSS. Published by UBM. Weekly. (Paywall)
RIBA Journal (ribaj). Mobile Site. RSS. Published by RIBA. Weekly. (Paywall)
RICS Construction Journal. Published by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors. Weekly.
Roofing Today - Roofing design and technology, online and print.
STMAG - Structural timber building design & technologies online and print.
The Structural Engineer (IstructE). Archive. Monthly. (Paywall)
We are publishing a digital magazine, "The Built Environment", in New Mexico. It's a commercial construction and real estate magazine. I haven't seen anything like it and I've been trying to buy the domain but not having any luck. Can we get our magazine listed here?
If you wish to add it to this list, please follow the format that has been used with the other resources here.
--Editor, Designing Buildings