About Business Sprinkler Alliance

Better protection | Better business

Business Sprinkler Alliance
Institute / association
United Kingdom


The Business Sprinkler Alliance (BSA) is a coalition organisation established in 2010 to increase the number of businesses that have fire sprinklers fitted in their premises.

The BSA advocates greater resilience on the part of businesses, driving a culture change that means sprinklers are accepted as standard for commercial and industrial premises in the UK.

BSA aims to:

  • Deliver robust information and insight into the benefits of fire sprinklers and the critical importance of fire prevention.
  • Increase consideration of fire sprinklers by those who design, construct and approve new business buildings.
  • Ensure business decision makers appreciate the role that fire sprinklers can play in physical and commercial resilience.
  • Continue dialogue with regulators and legislators to review existing evidence and law, supporting the sprinkler case.
  • Drive widespread awareness of fire sprinklers to effect a culture change for their acceptance and adoption.

The founding members of BSA include:

  • National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC).
  • National Fire Sprinkler Network (NFSN).
  • European Fire Sprinkler Network (EFSN).
  • Fire Protection Association (FPA).
  • British Automatic Fire Sprinkler Association (BAFSA).
  • FM Global.

A series of articles have been published on Designing Buildings Wiki, extracted from The impact of automatic sprinklers on building design, an independent report produced by WSP, sponsored by the Business Sprinkler Alliance (BSA) and published in September 2017:

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