About Tracy Edmondson

Final Year Architectural Design Student

United Kingdom

Currently there is no pressure for our homes to achieve a certain target. We are forced to have EPC ratings on our homes for sale, but there are no consequences for poorly performing properties.

There are a reasonable proportion of buildings, both residential and commercial that have a render finish.

While I have noted many local councils choosing over-cladding or external insulation and re-render finish, to their social housing schemes, it has not been widely taken up by private home owners. .

These types of properties may be simpler to upgrade externally. There would need to be some way to make this a viable financial option for homeowners, by them paying costs for materials, but there being grants for the labour elements or government contractors to apply this.

While this would only be part of the solution to making housing stock more thermally efficient and there are other issues to address, it would be a start.

I think the main driver needs to legislation primarily. Currently the average home in England and Wales achieves an efficiency grade D, but maybe we could look for all properties to achieve a minimum of grade D.

There does need to be money from the government to assist. I am sure some benefited from the Green Deal, but I don't think some should get home improvements for free whilst others have to pay, unless this is means tested. I maybe speaking only for myself, but I think many homeowners would like to upgrade their homes to be more efficient, but these applications are expensive.

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