About SebDavies

-Make household emissions easy to calculate, perhaps using an app that can give a predicted thermogram filter over an image of a house. People need to understand how much carbon they are emitting before they can start to isolate specific areas of their house that need improvement.
-Give monetary rewards to people who can prove they are below an acceptable threshold of emissions.
-Teach people, maybe through adverts, what the problem is, how they can help to solve it and why they need to try.
Surrey Hills Directory
[edit] Planning
Building Design in the Surrey Hills
[edit] Highways
Conserving and Enhancing Country Lanes in the Surrey Hills AONB
[edit] Biodiversity & Landscape
Landscapes Review: National Parks & AONBs 2019
Light Pollution - Threat to Migrating Birds
Making Local Nature Recovery Strategies deliver
[edit] Health & Wellbeing
Nature and Wellbeing: The Evidence
How nature can be used to improve wellbeing