Last edited 30 Jan 2021

IHBC social networks exceed 14,000

This article originally appeared in the IHBC NewsBlogs

Social networks.JPG

In September 2016, IHBC thanked its active social media volunteers who have helped membership numbers on its core networks to pass 14000 with, as of 22 August, the following membership spread: Linkedin: 5707; Twitter: 6651, and Facebook, with 1723 likes.

IHBC Director Seán O’Reilly said: ‘This is a great achievement both for the institute for our many volunteers and members who have helped so much in extending our digital networks’.

‘Only 2 years ago numbers stood at less than 8500, so passing 14,000 now confirms both a more substantial recognition of our brand, as well as the wider constituency of interested players relying on our work. Of course such numbers offer a simplistic measure, but they do also correlate to increased success with our business operations, including our very popular Jobs etc service, so these developments are significant to all our members and supporters’.

‘It is interesting too that numbers have increased fairly consistently across all the main platforms we use, as we are seeing lots of interests from a wide sector of social media users. This is a good sign of our positive engagement with future generations of conservation practitioners, though that’s not to say there isn’t lots more work to be done in these areas’.

To join any of the IHBC’s free social media platforms simply follow the links from our Home Page at

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