Welcome to the Circular Economy Wiki within Designing Buildings. This is a centralised platform containing guidance, definitions and examples on implementing circular economy in construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute to the site by creating or adding to articles.
Our key articles will primarily address the following focus areas:
- Data collection, analysis and sharing of built environment materials
- Reuse and recycling of building materials
- Transformation and refurbishment of buildings
- Design for disassembly and flexible construction
- Circular construction in urban planning policy
[edit] Willkommen
Willkommen beim „Kreislaufwirtschaftswiki“, einer zentralen Plattform mit Anleitungen, Definitionen und Beispielen (wie z. B. Fallstudien) zur Umsetzung der Kreislaufwirtschaft im Bauwesen. Jeder ist willkommen, zur Seite beizutragen, indem er Artikel erstellt oder hinzufügt.
Unsere Hauptartikel werden sich hauptsächlich mit den folgenden Schwerpunktbereichen befassen:
- Datenerfassung, Analyse und gemeinsame Nutzung von Baumaterialien
- Wiederverwendung und Recycling von Baumaterialien
- Umwandlung und Sanierung von Gebäuden
- Design für Demontage und flexibles Bauen
- Zirkuläres Bauen in der Stadtplanungspolitik
[edit] Tervetuloa
Tervetuloa Designing Buildings-sivuston kiertotalouswikiin. Tämä sivusto sisältää ohjeita, määritelmiä ja esimerkkejä, joilla kiertotaloutta voidaan edistää rakentamisessa. Voit halutessasi muokata tai lisätä artikkeleita sivuille.
Artikkelimme keskittyvät seuraaviin aiheisiin:
- datan keräys ja analysointi sekä rakennetun ympäristön materiaalien vaihdanta
- rakennusosien uudelleenkäyttö ja rakennusmateriaalien kierrätys
- rakennusten kunnostaminen ja muuntaminen toiseen käyttötarkoitukseen
- purettavuuden mahdollistava suunnittelu ja joustava rakentaminen
- rakentamisen kiertotalous kaupunkisuunnittelussa
[edit] Velkommen
Velkommen til Circular Economy Wiki med temaet, design af bygninger. Dette er en centraliseret platform, der indeholder vejledning, definitioner og eksempler på implementering af cirkulær økonomi i byggeriet. Alle er velkomne til at bidrage til siden ved at oprette eller tilføje artikler.
Vores nøgleartikler vil primært omhandle følgende fokusområder:
- Dataindsamling, analyse og deling af byggemiljømaterialer
- Genanvendelse og genbrug af byggematerialer
- Ombygning og istandsættelse af bygninger
- Design til demontering og fleksibel konstruktion
- Cirkulært byggeri i byplan politik
Featured articles
Find a round-up of new and existing featured articles here.
[edit] Circular economy
What is the circular economy and what are the key principles? What is the circular economy in relation to the built environment? Learn more through the following articles:
- Circular economy
- Circular construction
- Research projects and initiatives to promote circular economy in the built environment
[edit] Circular Construction in Regenerative Cities (CIRCuIT) project
The Circular Economy Wiki was developed as part of the Circular Construction in Regenerative Cities (CIRCuIT) project, which is funded by the EU's Horizon 2020 programme. The aim of the project is to enable sustainable building in cities and the transition to a circular economy on a wider scale. Go to the article >>
[edit] Circular construction case studies
A list of case studies and case study compilations that provide examples of how buildings around the world have incorporated circular construction. Go to the article >>
[edit] Building transformation: concepts and definitions
A list of building transformation definitions and concepts explained. Go to article >>
About the wiki
Anyone is welcome to use and contribute to the wiki in different ways.
[edit] Engaging with the wiki
You can:
- Contribute to existing articles
- Create articles
- Share articles through social media and other channels
- Contact the CIRCuIT project to let us know what you think and how we can improve
[edit] Add your own content
To contribute to or create an article, you can follow these steps:
- Register as a user
- Read through the editorial policy and guidance on writing and contributing to articles
- See the detailed help page on tips on writing wiki articles
- Try editing a test article
- If editing an article, select 'Edit this article' underneath the article title
- If creating a new article, select 'Create an article'. In the 'Select categories' area, expand the 'Industry context' list and tag 'Circular economy' to add your article to this wiki
[edit] Who is this wiki for?
The articles contain information on implementing circular economy approaches in construction that could be relevant to:
- Architects
- Construction contractors
- Designers
- Developers, owners, investors
- Engineers
- Landowners
- Manufacturers and supplier
- Universities and research
- Urban planners
[edit] About CIRCuIT
The Circular Economy wiki is supported by the Circular Construction in Regenerative Cities (CIRCuIT) project, which is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. CIRCuIT is a collaborative project involving 31 ambitious partners across the entire built environment chain in Copenhagen, Hamburg, Helsinki Region and Greater London. Through a series of demonstrations, case studies, events and dissemination activities, the project will showcase how circular construction practices can be scaled and replicated across Europe to enable sustainable building in cities and the transition to a circular economy on a wider scale.