Last edited 08 May 2024

Government consults on second staircases in new residential buildings over 30m

On 23 December 2022, a consultation was announced by Lee Rowley MP, Minister for Local Government and Building Safety at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, on mandating second staircases for new tower blocks and sprinkler systems for new care homes regardless of height.

Other measures being considered as part of the consultation include removing references to the national classifications (BS 476) from Approved Document B. This means the dual system currently in place will end and construction product manufacturers will be required to test their products to the British Standard version of the European Standards.

The government will also be undertaking a call for evidence on revisions to Approved Document B covering materials and products used in external walls. In practice, the call for evidence will seek views on what materials should be covered and how best to improve the clarity of the guidance provided.

Lee Rowley said: “There are undoubtedly lessons still to be learnt from the Grenfell Tower tragedy and the Department for Housing is committed to working with the sector and residents to explore what more needs to be done to make new homes across the country safe. This consultation is the next step in the Department’s work to improve building regulations and make sure they are as clear and effective as possible.”

Since the Grenfell Tower fire, several significant other changes to the Building Regulations and its guidance have been made, including:

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities will consult on its new plans for12 weeks. Ref

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